Tag Archives: Trump

Who is the hell is Lawrence Lessig?

UPDATE: Jauanry 2018 I disavow Lawrence Lessig, he is  an enabler of criminals

Mr. Lessig, let me remind you, that you backed and apparently are STILL backing a woman who is a war criminal, who cheated both you and Bernie out of the 2016 presidential race and was part of an Administration that drove Aaron Swartz to his death – you seem to be one of those people.

You’re about to find out.lvws

First, go here


Mr. Lessig is actually more than qualified to run for what we are still calling high office here in the good ol’ US of A, but his real goal is not all the accolades and power that come with the job.

This Is His Goal:
“We Need to Fix Our Democracy: Lawrence Lessig Weighs Presidential Run to Rid Money from Politics”

Are you even more impressed now?

With all of the excitement in the current presidential derby I was caught up in the whole Donald Trump escapade. I wasn’t going to bother voting until Trump stepped in when I thought, “What fun!”

Now, some might take that particular attitude as the words of an irresponsible, flippant, nay nihilistic 2nd class citizen, but with a dimes worth of difference between the two parties, the banks and corporations holding all the cards and money, we’re not living in a free society, a democracy or even a republic anymore, Trump at least shook things up. C’mon, he admitted paying politicians to do his will, the media should have been all over that statement like white on rice, but the media is owned by guys just like Trump; worse even, who buy and sell politicians for lunch. They aren’t going to talk about the puppet-masters on the corporate owned MSM news channels! Dictatorships never do. Thing is, we know what Trump said about buying politicians is true, we’ve known for a long time it’s all true, yet when one of their own says it out loud we can actually taste it, we can experience the truth behind his words physically, like a punch in the face.

So Freedom: what exactly is that? Here’s someone who can soundly explain the idea of what robust citizenry is supposed to look like.

Oh, and don’t get me started on the Diebold Machines.
Yes, that HBO Documentary is dated, but it has only gotten worse and computers easier to hack by nefarious underlings, and Congress has done absolutely nothing to fix this.

Voting machines are rigging elections
Voting machines switching votes
Programmer testifies voting machines are rigging elections

So here’s my big question for Prof. Lessig, what do you fix first, money in politics or the voting machines?

Most of you already figured this out, but just to be clear… to get the money out all you got to do is win, but in order to win people have to vote for you and how are you ever going to win if the voting machines are rigged?

Anyway…  along comes Lawrence; I think some call him Larry; been following and watching this guy for over a decade now, anyway he comes up with this idea of how to take our government back.

Now I had already resigned myself in great part to secession. I figured after the next election the banks will own everything including us, it’s the next step in this taking-forever-unfolding-economic-collapse, but I rolled Lessig’s idea around in my nut and I thought, ‘Here is a secret magic door that could actually be a game changer!’ cause let’s face it, eventually we will have to come to our senses and do the right thing, right?

The Bottom Line: Give it a go, you got nothing to lose, seriously, unless you’re the 1% you have absolutely nothing left to lose and absolutely everything to gain. We have to get the money out of politics, you can’t change one thing until this happens first.

You’re in a boat in the middle of a lake, the boat is filling with water and a bucket won’t do, you got to fix the holes. As long as the money keeps pouring into our political system we’re going to sink and the hole is getting bigger and bigger with every election. There are too many people without a life jacket for the current system to continue.

Lessig is going to blow your mind, his campaign requires you to think differently about political campaigns. This is definitely not what you’re used to, but you have to be if you want to fix the boat and enjoy the lake.

Remember: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Lessigs approach will put an end to the insanity. The only question you have to ask is, are you tired of being insane?

Here are some more in-depth links I offer up for your exploration, do the research! I’ll add more as time goes on.

Check back for updates.

Lessig For President
Lessig’s Blog
Get Lessig in the Debates
Off the Grid
We The People
The Biggest Political Party In America Is NONE OF THE ABOVE!
Rules out third-party run
The system is rigged
Hacking the Presidential Race
Lessig Listens To Ferguson TYT
Serious About Reform
Democracy Now Video
Equal Citizens Video
Harvard Law Professor Announces He’s Running For President
Unchecked money
9 things to know
Lessig Interview TYT
Why does this Harvard law professor want to run for president?
Harvard’s Larry Lessig is exploring a presidential bid
Lawrence Lessig v. Citizens United
free culture


Announcement – Lessig Campaign Launch




1 Comment

Filed under #OWS, bad democrats, computers, congress, debt, education, food, Health, hillary, history, justice, nader, News, obama, politics, secession, SPREAD IT!, updates, video, vigilance, war

All Things Donald Trump

Not really, but I love you all!

Democrats do not inspire me to vote at all – they have screwed progressive left and right for at least the last 20 years.

Bernie Sanders who is supposed to be the beacon of a socialist progressive movement built nothing in his 30 years other than a soapbox which he stood on taking the opportunity to utter some choice, but empty words on the floor of the House and Senate all the while collecting a pretty hefty government paycheck for that privilege – $175k a year, plus benefits and a spectacular pension. 30 years as a progressive socialist democrat and what coalition did he build? Nothing. But, he has stood by the funding of every war and proxy-war under Clinton, Bush and Obama and he stands with Israel on everything even as they slaughtered over 600 innocent children in Gaza last summer. Actually, Bernie’s actions appear to be more pro-Israel than pro-American.

It’s next to impossible for a progressive to even think of voting for the GOP, however, Ron Paul was outside the GOP box, he was anti-war and anti-bank bailout, he gained plenty of points with progressives on the moral high ground. However, when he ran for president in 2012 the MSM and the GOP kept fudging the numbers even though he actually won the early primaries. Further, during the party nomination the GOP changed the rules at the last minute preventing Ron Paul from making a statement, so of course the GOP can’t be trusted.

trumppomWhich brings us to Donald Trump -The Donald- already the GOP is trying to give him a hard time because he’s not beholden to their corporate master and corporate contributors like the rest of the party, and with his rhetoric he’s spilling the beans on all the corruption within the system; both parties, something he admits to being very well versed in and has taken full and whole advantage of.

This in turn makes Trump the anti-candidate’s candidate, which broadens his appeal to a citizenry of those fed-up with the two parties and those refusing to even show up to the polls in 2016. Trump is gathering little r republicans as well as little d democrats and everyone around and in-between.

Along with buying and playing-the-system for decades he’s a tough guy to like on a number of personal levels. The question is then, do you need to love or like the guy who gets the job done? Do you like everyone at work or everyone in your neighborhood? Trump is not beholden to a party or big business and though there are more than a few topics we wouldn’t see eye-to-eye on I see no other candidate who has the rare opportunity to disrupt this corrupt crony capitalist two party war mongering bank bail outing dictatorship.

Do you?

– – Let me just stop here for a brief moment and point out how un-astonished you are that the wealthy own our system of government and that in the back of your mind you know they aren’t supposed to, but you feel helpless to change it. – –

In some ways the hopeful and hard working American People are taking a gamble, who side is Donald Trump on? Does he really believe what he says about making America great again, or is his run for the Presidency of the United States of America pure ego, legacy leaving, or worse, an elaborate vulture capitalist plot to sell the country off piece by piece in a leveraged buy-out?

Trump uses the word “killer” when it comes to making or cutting a deal, he says that because these people, these corporations, these lobbyist, these foreign leaders and all these politicians behind the scenes are all killers and that being a practicing killer in finance himself he knows what makes these people tick and how to deal with them.

I know I’m tired of being killed, and I’m thinking maybe it’s time to hire a killer to kill the killers.
So I ask this question, could Donald Trump be America’s Harry Tuttle?



Can you trust him?
What else ya got?


Update 08/29/15
Is The Donald starting to lose that new car smell, already?
ut-oh! #1

This was fun to read
Bill Still -Prez Candidate Roundup
Is Donald Trump art?

The Easy Way

Chewbacca Postmodernism

The Pledge: I just want to point out that during “The Pledge” Press Conference Trump also used the word counter-punch – remember that if the GOP tries to screw him over like they did Ron Paul.

Hugh Hewitt Interview

As the new car now gets its first scratch.
RE: Hugh Hewitt Aftermath
I don’t know why Trump put this guy down (third-rate radio show announce). The interview was actually very good and substantive. Ton of great questions to make ready for the next debates. Actually, Trump did way better than Bush43 would have and better than I expected – so that’s something. For Trump to be so defensive about historical and current events (heck, even I had to wiki the Quds) and later insult the host; who actually not only asked some very meaningful questions, but was rather pleasant throughout, actually says more about Trump as a person and as a potential leader. Trump is basically old school ‘if you don’t know everything the smart kids know you must be a weak-minded person.’ These days we call that thinned skinned. Also, anyone listening would have thought the host said Kurds too, but The Donald didn’t have to drive that mishap into the ground; which he is pron to do. This behavior is very unattractive in any person, especially a presidential candidate. It demonstrates anxiety under stress and confirms insecurity in a very public way.

One thing I thought Trump should have known was our relationship to the Kurds. Let me take you back to the 90’s, I remember how Bush41 left these poor people high and dry at the end of the first Gulf War (GWI). That pesky Truman Doctrine sullied our relationship with the Kurds right off the bat, which I agree was a great shame and was a marked event for all the little people throughout the world who no longer felt they could trust or count on the USA to do the right thing, and we keep messing that up even now (see Palestine and Yemen).

One little caveat: Had Saddam stayed in power; no Bush43 take down, hanging, and massive clusterf… in the Middle East, IOW no GWII, as Trump and myself and Bernie Sanders had wished, the Kurds would still have been under Saddam’s tortuous rule. Now they are fighting ISIS and there’s little we can do to really help them because of that damn Truman Doctrine! Course Turkeye is miffed at the US over a few other things, but that’s another story. ITMT there’s Chalabi… whoa, hang on, can’t we just stop warring and killing innocent people in far away lands for the crazy Israelis and brutal Saudis? Just give it all to the EU, they like creating and playing with conflict. Kinda why the US had a Revolution and kicked the British/Hanover (a.k.a. ze Germans) Empire (or the banks if you will) out of this country in the first place, yeah?

Let’s be the nation that extends our hand and lifts people up, not the one that reaches out and then bombs them senseless. Please.

I was just thinking, maybe this guy is our Harry Tuttle?

Well played Mr. Trump

Trump defies political gravity
“Maybe we need a warrior instead of a politician. People compare Mr.
Trump to Putin. There’s something to be said about the man, who takes
care of the Russian people.”


A new marker is being set in the US – a pre and a post Trump world.

Lessig announced his bid for the White House here.
In short his campaign is about getting big evil money out of politics – which is well and good. His claim, in short, and I agree, that until that happens we do not have a democracy. All fine and good, however, let’s say the American People can wrap their heads around the concept, what he’s trying to do; which I admit is a little tough cause it’s mostly political junkies who watch the debates and corporations own the big media so the talking heads who get paid by those big corporations aren’t going to encourage the merits of the idea and the banter – but let’s just say he gets the idea out there and people want to vote for it, the big question to ask is who’s owns the machines and who is watching them? Something Trump is going to want to be aware of too.

Still, after the first DNC debates it’s going to be really interesting to see the poll numbers.

I have this economic idea – paradigm really, I call it the Wealth and Achievement Index. Details soon to come… I want it to sounds fancy and official so I’m working on the verbiage. If you’d like to help make it sound super official please let me know.

This is the question I had for Bernie Sanders – 30 year in Congress, what did he ever build besides a soap box to stand on and a nice pension along with $175K a year salary plus benefits? Bernie “Shake your fist and fund the wars!” Sanders – where’s the beef? Where’s the grassroots organization? Where’s the self-sustaining village you built with the tax payer money and influence? Where are the role models?

This is what I believe – anyone pulling in over $75k a year are fine with capitalism as is – in fact a good number of verbal-do-gooders these days make a nice living complaining about it, and still they’ve built nothing to lift up the working people eager to participate. These “wise” voices for the little people don’t have to be the role models – they don’t have to live like Gandhi – they just have to lend their name to a smart sounding website and tell the world what it already knows in a clever and concise way.

Meanwhile, Trump built the shit – and it is shitty shit – but he built this shit cause there was nothing out there to counter his brand. Even now as those who complain about the elite are still serving the elite while collecting a pay check siting on their hands building nothing. Maybe they think their words are so wise and so clever that the masses will spontaneously awaken all at once bringing good and justice back to the world, just… cause?

Trump, A Southern Yankee

Fender Bender
ut-oh! #2
Really, California?

– today’s word is, decimate.

An idea for the 9/16 CNN Debate:
Trump should wear his soft Trump Cap on stage or pull it out of his pocket at an opportune time; with a modicum of decorum of course, and while placing it on his head ask the audience, “Whose caps do these other candidates wear? Who do they really represent? Who owns them in this election? Whose money are they beholden to? Because I, Donald Trump am not beholden to any one, but the American People.”

If done well I would expect a roar of cheers from the audience, his numbers jumping through the roof, and for the most part locking up this side of the election.

Now this could be seen as a stunt by some; and it will by those who already hate the guy, and to some extent it is a stunt, but as a visual tool I can think of nothing that would drives this very important point home at this particular time in the election. In fact, I think he will gain the admiration of some of his descenters who will think, while smiling wryly, “What a brilliant political move!”

We have to admit Americans are a visual people and as a candidate running for office one has to find ways to grab their short attention span and leave them with a sagacious and indelible image.

Even if Trump doesn’t succeed in the end this will not only be fun for him, it’ll forever be referenced in this and every other election heretofore.

Like him or not, there are some very powerful and evil groups uniting against him now, and for all the things you may dislike about him everyone has to admit the guy’s got moxie and that is exactly the kind of enthusiasm needed to drive the American People to the polls on election day.

If I could, I would have the candidates wear stickers on their heads or jackets with all the corporate logos and names of the wealthy people who own them sewn in, cause anyone reading this knows they are owned. Since we are denied this truth what better way than Trump using his name, his brand, to drive the point home, in this case for the good rather than for profit.

-One little side note – even democrats are coming around with the candidacy of Lawrence Lessig jumping into the mix. Of course the DNC will do everything in their power to keep him out of the debate, but if he is able to make his way in; for his time in the running, he will be a constant reminder of the message he shares with Trump.

Debate Recap:
too long

Margaret Thatcher? Seriously?




WASHINGTON - JUNE 20: Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker listens during the 2011 Governors Summit of U.S. Chamber of Commerce June 20, 2011 in Washington, DC. The summit was to focus on policies that help states to attract businesses and to improve the economy. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)


Owned by Koch
Bush, Fiorina, Walker.

Owned by AIPAC
Bush, Carson, Clinton, Cristie, Cruz, Huckabee, Kasich, Paul, Rubio, Sanders, Trump, Walker.

Owned by Banks
Clinton, Cristie, Cruz, Fiorina, Trump.


Up next, the little woman?

The GOP sure has come a long way from Pat Nixon’s respectable Republican cloth coat.

I think Trump knows Melania is a game changer, which is why he and his team keep putting off her long awaited debut in front of the crowds and cameras. I’d wager a Trump Tower he’d wait until the August 2016 nomination if he could.

-New Hampshire
17 September 2015
Campaign Trail
Day After The 2nd Debates
Audience Questions:

After taking a comment by a women who is having visions of Americans being poured into boxcars and a new Holocaust on the horizon…. a young girl asks,
“When will we meet your first lady?”
Trump replied, “That sounds good. Wow! That sounds so great. Thank you darling.”

A question or two later a man stood up and began reciting 1 Timothy 3

So what does it say about a 69 year old man marring a women 25 years his younger? Well, other than the standard answer, “Oh, nurse!” I think Trump sees the electorate in America as being part of a manly man’s world and women, although admired, are best kept like pets. At one point in the 2nd debate I thought he would walk over and pat Carly Fiorina on the head and say, “Good Girl!”

I also believe, outside the chiding and some off-the-wall hard core feminists the left will have an easier time with Mrs.Trump than the Christian Right, especially, all the nude and very provocative photos that are floating all over the net right now – something about dignity and modesty, gold-digging, trophy-wife and all the things that are traditionally associated with lose women.

Melania will be Trump’s ut-oh #3 and her past his downfall

You can see the other candidates now drooling at the mouth, not because they desire his sexy hot wife, well some perhaps; probably Clinton, Bill, but mostly over grabbing a chunk of Donald’s massive poll numbers. Right now it’s a matter of how long he can keep his number’s up while keeping his wife blurred in the background and how long his challengers can afford to stay in the race until he brings her out.

book face

So The Donald says he’s going to really really take care of the vets, this of course is great news – can’t go around tricking these young guys and then just dump them on the side of the road. So I asked him a question on his facebook entry – “Mr Trump this is who Bush and Cheney put in charge after they bombed the Taliban; who we now know were willing to negotiate. When President Mr Trump, please arrests Bush Cheney and Obama for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Actually that does sound more like a request than a question… hmmm… Well I’ll give him a few days to see if he brings the topic up and then turn this statement into a proper question.

Well, I didn’t think I’d be writing again so soon, but things have gotten weird. The attacks on Trump by members of the mostly neocons and neo-liberal media has grown vicious. I can’t tell if they are going out of their way to be such slime-balls in order to help Trump win the white house or if they are really that stupid? I’m going with stupid because I think they are beyond arrogant and trite. I’ll fill in all the details later (LoweryFOX – Southpark – MSNBC – Salon) – but for now it’s astounding how little they understand the American People.

1. Americans love an underdog. 2. Their foul mouths are making Trump more endearing to everyone around him and yes, to many liberals as well.

People can see Trump is Trump. This is the way he is, but the people attacking him come off so bitter and beastly I’m actually quite shocked.

In the South Park parody we all know it’s South Park – what’s new, eh? but these so called professional and adults journalists are taking to it like they were fantasizing about doing this horrible act to another human being themselves. Can you imagine if they portrayed Carly or Hillary as victims of a vicious rape and beaten to death? Perhaps, you can still say, oh well, this is South Park, free speech and all that, but would any of these so called professionals be reveling in it? Surely there would be a number of blogs demanding an apology and screaming, “Rape is not funny in any form!” Sop far, not a peep. Not even any condemnation from any of the other candidates and there are those in the media who are fine with that too.

I am truly frightened. Especially, for and from the left, and I voted Green in the last election.

I’ll add more to this as the day progresses.

btw my last unscientific poll of 18 year olds all knew who Trump was, none knew Biden, half knew Hillary and 1 knew Sanders, or thought she did. I’ll be doing another perhaps today.

Well, the end of the world didn’t happen.
Results on poll same as above save no one knew Sanders and one knew Biden.
Boehner quit. Why, really? Is something bad about to happen?
Donald said he believes in God, that he is a Christian – will he change our Darwinian financial system to reflect the teachings of Jesus? He also said he’s gonna bring back Christmas.

No one has united people who hate the MSM more – across the spectrum – like  Trump. The more the media bashes him the tighter and bigger this group gets.

Noticing that Right Wing Radio, especially after Trump’s Federal tax plan, are really hating The Donald. These are a group of people who have no problem with the bank bailouts, trillions of lost pentagon money and massive corporate subsidies. They believe that cutting taxes on the working poor will send a message that these poor people will no longer have a stake in America, and that they want everything for free – set aside all the taxes and fees on goods, roads and utilities everyone pays regardless of income – level things out just a bit and they believe we’re crating a dependent class. Under part of Trumps plan singles making less than $25k save $800 a year and married under $50k save up to $3400. No, you can’t give these folks a break – even though that pittance will actually give the economy a little boost, help some people get out of debt and help pay for healthcare and for some a higher education. No, no, no, these right wing arrogant fat heads want slaves. Let’s say it out loud – they are slavers and cheats! In order to join their ranks you must achieve success as they did by using people and cheating their way to an all too high income for what ever it is they do, which is very little. I’m going to start calling these assholes Walkers, because they are just like Scott Walker, bitter, brow beaten by their wives with the intellect of falling over the 70% IQ wall.

side note: when the Federal Income Tax was established in 1913, the burden of a Federal Tax fell on those who made over $5k a year – notice you still have to file if you make over $5k a year. Thing is, adjusted for inflation, that amount should be over $120k a year. Another reason to keep bankers far away from your government. We need to add an extra layer to the separation of church and state, a separation of banks and state. Don’t kid yourselves money is a god.

since – rinse wash repeat
boredom regarding in the political process has already set in…
gearing up for the feeling of the holidays
the sides have been chosen and only death can decide the outcome

kinda not buyin’ the super-fan (Hispanic women) – I don’t know exactly why, something about her seems rehearsed …

Post #DEMDEBATE – I see this as a precursor disaster for the Democrats.
1. Judas Goat Sanders – did it again, he tossed his supporters under the bus.
2. The DNC and MSM had to lie stating that Hillary won the debate and that the DNC is now standing behind Clinton.
3. They kept Lessig out of the debate.

NOW: Thinking more about the little women coming out during the campaign for her man, soon, someday, who knows when – Thanksgiving maybe? The daughter, Ivanka (from a previous marriage), will be joining her it seems on Women’s Health Issues. This was a brilliant move since Trump’s wife, Melania – no one knows her name, no one can pronounce her name properly, and she has a foreign accent – posed nude and she is 25 years younger than Trump, is going to presents a number of problems. The focus on Women’s Health Issues almost nullifies her past, will keep most woman in line with that cause, and deplete enough ammunition from the left and hard core feminists. Men of course will love it!

Back to the 3 ut-ohs
Ut-oh #1 Epstein – So far Hillary is the choice for the DNC, but to make this guy an issue they have to ask why Bill is in this guy’s phone book as well. Trump being a businessman and in real estate could dodge this one fairly easy – how can Bill? Ex-presidents have no business cavorting around with such characters for any length of time and they seem to be good pals – scary and creepy.
Ut-oh #2 Student Loans – Certainly this can be written off as poor management with plenty of others to blame.
Ut-oh #3 The little (nude) woman – Women’s Health Issues.

Looks like The Donald might be able to grow a Teflon coat after all.

No one currently running is Ralph Nader or even Eisenhower, and both parties have gone way beyond Nixon. Will Trump make a difference? Well, he’s not a Clinton or a Bush so that’s different…


Trump’s Plans:
1. economics/tariffs on US corporations? errrr… NAFTA
2. the wall = really should change the 1965 immigration law first, and I think most illegals fly in and overstay their welcome
3. Obamacare = Trumpcare? What is it besides, ya know, great?

Will everything have to be an executive order, King Trump?


Been a while since I added anything to this post –

The Donald’s polls are up, there was a whole Ben Carson thing – surprisingly the bashing by Donald didn’t hurt his numbers, course the Paris bombings certainly helped him.

The GOP elite still want to get rid of Trump, but Paris was a shot in the arm.

One of the ut-ohs (see:09/18/15 & 10/17/15) is coming up this week, the wife. We’ll see how that goes. As I predicted it happens just before the holiday; allowing enough time to forget, but get used to seeing her. Most men will drool, secular women will envy, but the religious right ain’t gonna like her and neither will the feminist. She’ll have to convince the jealous and xenophobes in the middle. I can’t see her helping his campaign, but it could hurt it – timing is everything, his numbers are high some say 42%, he can afford to lose a bit. Fate seems to be shinning on his campaign, albeit tragic events are helping to drive his numbers.



Thanksgiving update

“It’s the lie that gets ya”- Richard Nixon

DT doubling down on the Muslim dancing on the roof lie is very unattractive.

He said he saw them himself, but so far he can’t prove it. Okay fine, but let’s at least see some video – 1000 Muslims tailgating and dancing on roof tops in 2001…. should be some handicam footage out there somewhere, no?


Maybe Trump was confused… ya know, brown people

Thing is, what we do have are Israelis in New Jersey dancing and cheering and making cell calls and high fiving and confessing on TV… and no one will talk about that, least of all Trump. That’s how afraid people are of Netanyahu’s NZO. Even Trump.

Anyway, this one won’t go away, which is kinda odd cause I thought the student loan scam, his 15 year relationship with his pedophile friend or the naked wife would have done him in.

Should be interesting to note it’s his own big mouth that is sinking his ship. Not sure Americans will go for a bully who lies. That’s what he’s looking like right now.

I give up- from here on out it’s Trump in pictures


Trump Jumping the Shark

…life goes on
Can Trump generate more than just an audience, can he generate the vote?
Is Hillary the best women can do?
Is Sanders actually a closet war monger?

So this last week is when it happen – not sure it’s the polls in connection to Iowa, Cruz’s blunders or Hillary’s 5 minutes, but Right Wing Radio has made the switch to Trump. They are now more worried about Sanders winning.

Iowa has come and gone, New Hampshire’s on the horizon. Cruz and Hillary won – both by deception. However, both Sanders and Trump are slated to win NH. Seems the people aren’t falling for the elitist status quo. RWRadio is back to bashing Trump pushing Rubio now, rumors flying that Rubio is a coke head and in his youth gay- not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s still unknown if Sanders or Trump will make it. By Super Tuesday we should have a better idea. I had thought by now Trump would have faded and Hillary would have killed Sanders, but both are saying the right things and that are keeping the American People engaged, interested and on their side. Let’s hope they continue to live.

looking like he will make it all the way – unless some one takes him down physically.


Ted comes out swinging with Ut Oh #3; the little woman porn.

Trump has crushed the student loan scandal, for now.
The Epstein is still on the table for Cruz. Let’s see if he uses it.

I’ve pulled back: After Trumps speech at AIPAC where he demonstrated that he is more beholden and committed to Israel than to the United States and the American People and now seeing the list of who his foreign advisors are. I’ve come to conclusion that I can not support Trump. However, my vote would have only been cast if there were a tight race between Trump and Hillary, and if my vote could make a difference in my state. I do feel disappointed and let down by this new information and these revelations. I see no other choice than to push for a brokered convention with the hope that Trump and Sanders run as independent candidates and that we start to dismantle this two party dictatorship, or that states find it in their best interest to secede.

great argument



THE LIST OF REASONS WHY NOT – and the list is growing
Steven Mnuchin
Sheldon Adelson
Henry Kissinger
Shmuley Boteach
Ken Kurson
welp I thought we jumped the shark in December

apparently, I was wrong

July 25th
kind of gave up on this entry, but as we are now we are pretty much in the stretch impressions might be worthwhile.

Trump won the RNC nomination last week as expected.

The Democrats are a mess, but that never stopped a Clinton from lying and cheating. For Trump to win he will have to do everything in his power to stop Hillary. Most of all win big in key states, this can’t be a close election because it’s too easy for the DNC to rig the vote – and worse than they did against Bernie.

Trump will have to assure the real republicans and Reagan democrats show up in big numbers. The Neocons have moved over to Hillary. Jill Stein will have to work hard to get as many Bernie voters as she can.

If Bill Clinton was the first black president, then we’ve already had a first female president – Barack Obama.

Will Trump be good for the nation? We know what Hillary will do, she IS a war criminal. It is known.

Trump is a gamble… but if he ends the wars and the bank bailouts that will be a tremendous jump in the right direction. Hillary will keep us all struggling and worse bomb more people for money and power.


oh, btw, guess what?



shall I go on or start anew?





Donald J. Trump – The Genius


What Does Trump Stand For?
Two things I am certain that I never want to be in this life, a cop or a politician.

Red State Update: they’re baaaack!
Diamond & Silk: We Be Sisters
In The Now Media
We Are Change
Trump- The Secret Hidden Movie

Trump is the King of many Memes
yes, the horse and champagne pictures are photoshopped satire from the sopranos & Russian Pres. Valdimir Putin


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