Twitter Ban

So twitter banned me for this:

Being banned for thinking and speaking reminds me of the regimes in Iran and China. Rather than convey, “We don’t like the sound of your thoughts, could you delete this and try again?” They stuck me in Twitter jail for 7 days due to mass reporting by people who only want you to express THEIR opinions.

The three major groups who terrorize tweeters are: ADL, Trannies, ANTIFA. Known as the Swatters of Twitter.

I made no threats, did not dox, did not spam. That is simply how I reacted to the topic posted by Canadian Doctor Peterson, both personally and legally.

As a US Citizen I have the right to speak my mind and petition my government unencumbered by the interference of other groups. THIS IS PROTECTED SPEECH, covered under the 1st Amendment.

Now, Some people will say, ‘Ah Ha!, Twitter is a PRIVATE Company! blah, blah, blah, etc…’

Okay, Fine! BUT then Twitter has NO RIGHT to claim or call itself, ‘”The Town Square” or a “USA Public Forum,” the most important and popular place to express opinions regarding the US Government, its laws and policies.’ The word “criminal” invokes the only body that can charge a person criminally, as well as, challenge and set the standards of “mental illness,” and that is the Government. In the USA, of which I am a citizen, this would be the US Government.

I am petitioning my government, through free speech, in the Town Square using the limited amount of characters I was provided.

By tossing me in Free Speech Jail, Twitter is essentially REDDIT, and not The Town or Public Square.

If Elon Musk is true to his word, he needs to make this clear or stop alluding to Twitter as the Town Square in and “for” the USA.

However, IMO, Twitter should notify people who disagree and complain to use the tools given, “click the IGNORE option, for the speech I do not like.” Otherwise, he is playing ad-rev-click games, and worst of all, a liar. I don’t want to see Elon tread the fine line between Free Speech and gigantic ego.

If Elon truly believes in FREE SPEECH, The Bill Of Rights and the Promise of America, which he migrated to for its benefits and liberties, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, he should uphold the basic tenets the nation was built on.

“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom, and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”Benjamin Franklin



What I want right now: Unban me – delete my tweet and I’ll try again.

What I want in the future: outside threats and spam  – tell people to hit ignore user- don’t allow the weaponization of speech through exile and ending it.


Final thoughts – I said some things as a kid that got me in trouble, and far worse than what you take this comment for, and got no where near the timeout imposed.

so Twitter, Are You My Mother?

Are corporations becoming our new parents?

Do you realize how fucking immoral, scary and threatening that really is?

There is still a great difference between words and deeds.




So as things turn out, Millionaire Scott Adams said something way worse than I did. In fact, he lost over 600 newspaper  affiliates for his cartoon Dilbert because if it, but absolutely no time or penalty off Twitter. How is this fair?

Well, it isn’t, but that let’s us know exactly how trustworthy Elon Musk is. Needless to say, my comradery in his favor is gone, codes activated.

In addition, he allowed a certain group of people to push this fake hate day, a day  developed by that certain group of people to blame white people, and who apparently still have complete control over Twitter. Many harmless people once again were removed.

To poke or not poke the wasp nest?

For now, send them South.

As for the woke, ever single chance I get.


up up update

Musk has made it clear in the TOS, stating that SOME speech is allowed on Twitter, but FREE speech is not allowed.

that sums things up.

now off to De Santis and his hate for Free Speech




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