Tag Archives: Trump

President Trump Passes Universal Health Care, Usurps Democrats!

President Trump Passes Universal Health Care, Usurps Democrats and Destroys Neocon Never Trumpsters.


How Will He Do It?
Well, he could just pass U-Care with a 15% VAT, control medical prices and procedures, and cap profits.*


He could roll this out and call it a bi-partisan deal.

On Medicaid: Raise limit to $23k, full coverage with profit caps that are fair, these will be tax deductible for hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors and nurses. Add small co-pays from $24k up to $28k.

From $29k open up the free market across state lines.

On Medicare: For a recipient with no other insurance, lower the age to 55 based on income; same formula as above on income levels until age 65 and making under $250k. Yes, if you earn more than $250k a year in retirement you had and are still having a very nice, safe and free life in this country, you can give a little back in co-pays.


If President Trump can get close to this he’ll win the 2020 election in a landslide and perhaps be even more loved than Reagan, Kennedy and FDR.


Note: This plan for US Universal Health Care Would Be For American Citizens Only. You will need notarized documents as proof in order to be eligible. Also, States along with a Federal Government Oversight Board can negotiate prices and procedural costs with hospitals and doctors, using a simple one page form.


Further: For non US citizens cash up front or a payment plan can be arranged, this may include Administrative fees.

If payment is not made within 90 days the country of origin will be billed the full price of the medical care with fees. If destitute, private charities can step in or pro-bono work can be provided from a medical institution or college.

For those who are US Citizens, but have lost all records, a grant to replace official documents will be provided if proven indigent.

In the rare case that someone who was born in the US without any documentation, and is under the age of 65, those persons will have to go before a board of governors, provide proof of past employment, care or marriage, along with testimony and witnesses, otherwise they will need to buy private insurance or seek help from a charity clinic. Unfortunately, something like this could take a great deal of time in the very beginning. Anyone caught lying or falsifying documents will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and denied U-Care.  Any falsification by foreigners will mean confiscation of all property and possessions and instant deportation. Any falsification of income made by US citizens will mean a 5 year denial of U-Care, including Medicare. You will have to rely on Private Insurance or Charity Clinics for those 5 years.

It’s a start, eh?


Eventually those who do come to the US on a Green Card will be covered providing the systems can afford any additional stress.

Further: If Trump’s proposal for a solar wall generates a surplus of energy those funds should be diverted to provide solar energy conversion for the rest of the nation. Once that has been accomplished and the excess energy is sold outside of the US that wealth can then be transferred to the health care system in order to fund more medical R&D, which can then be shared with the world for a small fee.

Another source to look at is US foreign AID, 2/3 of this money goes to Israel alone. The US needs to end all Foreign Aid outside emergency medical and food. It should also be required that American Companies in foreign lands pay at least a 10% profit fee to operate in those nations. These funds can be placed in escrow for any emergency need that arises. As a nation our reputation is important and US companies who have benefited greatly by developing in the US should work to maintain that good reputation.


If you have any questions,  better ideas or plans put your thoughts in the comments and I’ll add them to the list. In the mean time I will continue to add thoughts and ideas to this proposal so that all Americans have access to health care, clean energy, clean food and water, safe neighborhoods and clean housing.

If you find my ideas interesting please look at the model community I have also proposed, also feel free to support me on Patreon, be the first 😉

*FYI: Most medical innovations, R&D and the like are done on the tax payer dollar through universities, more and more innovations are now coming from foreign schools and their government funded programs, we need to be champions again in this field.



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Demand DNC Allow FBI to Examine Hacked Servers

So you thought this was all taken care of months ago? Guess again, nope. The DNC STILL hasn’t turned the “Hacked Servers” over to the FBI. This is a criminal case regarding voting in the USA during the 2016 Presidential Election. The claim by the DNC and Hillary Clinton is that Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government hacked into the US elections in order to  change the outcome. Specifically, the DNC is saying the Russian Government hacked into the computers of the DNC and made you, the voter, vote for Trump. As ridiculous as that might sound this is their claim, kinda, sorta, at least this is the claim they want you to think. Yet, they have not turned over one computer or server requested by the FBI while they continue to make you think this claim.

So, is there any there there? What I have posted below is a time line of the events, perspectives from both the left and right and a link to a petition demanding Fthe DNC turn those servers over to the FBI, along with a few side notes that are relevant, for what reason, that isn’t clear just yet, but worth noting.

Journalist H. A. Goodman over at Counter Propa started this petition demanding that the DNC hand these computers and servers  over to the FBI.

Demand DNC Allow FBI to Examine Allegedly Hacked Servers, Now!

For up-to-date-updates go here – HAG AND here -GW



05/20/17 – In Steps KDC and blows the lid off the whole enchilada

 PETITION: Appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the murder of Seth Rich, the alleged Wikileaks email leaker


it’s a matter of trust

Seth Rich sent 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks before he was murdered


‘No facts, no evidence’ supporting claim slain DNC staffer tied to WikiLeaks, family says

Appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the murder of Seth Rich, the alleged Wikileaks email leaker
Family’s private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death


*further still… Brad Bauman is a high end DNC consultant, he is speaking on behalf of Seth’s parents in this matter; who btw are broke, now, who is paying Mr Bauman’s fees? This guy’s not cheap, on the high end of a low level consultant you’re going to pay $300 per hour. Now, if you are working for a political party this man can command at least a thousand dollars per hour. Who is paying him, and through what means, and why?



Guccifer 2.0 Messages .

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Was Guccifer 2.0’s LEAKER


What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing

Hillary Clinton staffer rejects ‘proffer,’ wants immunity for testimony on email server

down the rabbit hole

taking the 5th

H.A. Goodman Viral Petition for FBI to Examine DNC Servers


FBI: DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers

H.A. Goodman
DNC Refuses to Let FBI Analyze Hacked Servers. Denies Multiple FBI Requests
DNC Refuses to Let FBI Analyze Hacked Servers. Denies Multiple FBI Requests

“It’s The Lie That Get’s Ya” -Richard Nixon

The Hill
Comey: DNC denied FBI’s requests for access to hacked servers

Congressional Testimony – Clip
James Comey Director of FBI admitted DNC denied access to the so called Hacked Server

Jimmy Dore Show (Excellent btw)



HOLD ON! WHY is Brietbart holding back on what is clearly the most important story this year? Are they hiding something for Trump or are they waiting for a particular news cycle? What is really going on here?

Of course you can’t even get the attention of the democrats on this issue, (fyi, ignore really works, here’s proof!), the lie is so blatant it makes you wonder what’s left of the lil d democrats, are they stupid, zombies or just brainwashed? I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s appalling how low the Democratic Party and the people who support it have fallen – it’s nothing like it ever was, from FDR on up. It reminds me of a pretty good product that’s been bought by a very large corporation and shelved to stifle any competition. In this case the DNC was ‘pretty good brand’ and the Wall St Banks now own it.

The current battle in the GOP is between the Tea Party Libertarians and the Neocons. This is a far more delicate situation because the GOP, currently has most of the power. This is a bit similar to what Obama was up against when he first took office – a split DNC majority in Congress. It seems the Trump GOP is facing something similar to the Obama DNC. Regardless, like Obama Trump understands the power of the Bankers and it looks like he’s going to succumb.Notice, this hasn’t changed since Reagan, you can look it up wiki.

Exposing the farcical claims about Russian hacking of the election

Before dismantling what is currently happening regarding any investigation (what investigation?) there are two points that need to be made BEFORE we can move forward.
1. The released DNC and the Clinton e-mails by wikileaks (1 & 2 ) proved they conspired together to cheat Sen. Bernie Sanders, his election team and supporters out of the presidency.
2. Question: What country in the world has the most influence on US elections? Hint: it ain’t Russia.

sign the petition, spread the word and watch for updates.





Digital Security Provider, CrowdStrike, Raises $100 Million

WAPO – $600K and the CIA (the nation removed this form their site had to use the wayback machine)

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking

Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too

Somebody’s lying – Big Time!

5 congressional staffers in criminal probe over unauthorized computer access
this just get’s better, don’t it?

Family of murdered DNC staffer raising money to investigate unsolved crime

Devin Nunes Confirms WIRETAP

WikiLeaks Reveals “Marble”: Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic…

A Cyber-Gulf of Tonkin




Seth 😦
on reddit

People/Channels To Follow
H.A. Goodman
George Webb very questionable source
Jared Beck

Sean Lucus – RIP


History General:
CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

When presidents lie to make a war


Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Fake News and War Party Lies

The lie that started the First World War

War Is A Racket


self-prophetic wapo



*notes: People don’t realize just how big this story is – not only does it kill the Trump and muh Russian hack narrative – it brings up and questions Podesta’s revenge on any leakers – asks why the DNC didn’t hand the HDs and Servers over to the FBI – why Comey didn’t care and demand the servers and HDs be handed over as evidence. It expands the murder investigation asking why the DC cops were told to stand down, and by whom? It begs to see not only what were on the DNC servers and HDs the day Seth handed the data over to wikileaks it demands now what was on the DNC servers and HDs between what he sent wikileaks and what transpired on those servers and e-mails after his death. AND it wonders how much of this shit is on Weiner’s Computer AND -AND- if the servers and HDs were destroyed by Crowd Strike – a security firm who’s CEO donated to the Clinton Foundation. more to come….

ev – 1



Filed under bad democrats, computers, congress, education, hillary, history, just wrong, justice, politics, SPREAD IT!


alt-right alt-ready Almost September 2017 is at the bottom


flagcircleAs always I am inspired to write through what I read and document my perceptions, often they are topics that come up in the news that I have time to observe, research and digest. I’ll expand this entry later with more nuances as they occur, along with any corrections that need to be made upon receiving new information and of course I’ll add links for back up and clarity, eventually.

The topic of ANTI-FA and all that has gone down since Trumps inauguration has been a heated topic of late, from Marches to Milo, Pepe to Pepper Spray, Hitler to Stalin, Nazis to Commies, the alt-left v. the alt-right.

What got me going was an event again inspired by homeboy Jeremy Scahill. Just briefly Jeremy Scahill is one of the few who stood up against Obama and Hillary, Bush and Clinton and now Trump. I really shouldn’t say against them, more like exposing the rights and wrongs, uncovering the truth and what is really going on in the world, especially when it comes to US foreign and domestic policies.

To set the stage it is my belief that Trump is really a creation of the left. I’ll elaborate with more details on this topic later, but readers who are on top of current events already know why I would make such a statement. For now a quick summary: Over the last 8 years the left, save Code Pink, never stood up to Obama and as we now know they let the Democrats cheat Bernie Sanders. The streets during the DNC convention should have been packed when the DNC double-cross Bernie, especially when the DNC shut Bernie’s supporters down, both physically and by the use of technology at the convention. However, I suppose there’s some solace in the fact that due to wikileaks and the FBI Hillary didn’t win.

As a side note – The justification for a Sanders win would have been:
Those who voted for Hillary.
Those who voted for Trump because they wanted to shake the system up.
Those who hated Hillary.
Those who stayed home because they wouldn’t vote for Hillary because she and the DNC cheated Bernie out of the nomination. <— this would have won the Office for Sanders and the DNC.

As another side note – If Bernie had won would he get anything through even a weak GOP Congress? Highly unlikely, however, he would have opened the door wide for a massive change in Congressional seats for the 2018 midterm election, and he may have put an end to all the wars in the Middle East. Had he approached and used the public half as much as Trump is now he could have pushed through a few other goodies as well. That fantasy aside, what we see now is Antifa using their aggressive tactic to destroy what is left of the left, of the DNC.

Regardless, better late than never, I guess.

antifa1A new twist to this plot has been surfacing out of the mouths of a number of Democratic Operatives declaring that Antifa is really a concoction of the alt-right. Antifas are really secret neo-Nazis out to destroy the peaceful protests of the democrats. This news, or as some have called it a conspiracy theory, has now alienated those who lean center-left, moving them to the center and the center over to the center-right, while pushing the center-right over more towards the right, all of which is in the process of creating exactly what George Soros desires, a Police State.

Further, Trump just sent the BATF into Chicago and in less than 24 hours Democratic Mayor Rahm E decided he wants even more ATF agents than Trump employed.

George Soror’s dream of The Police State (for profit of course)  has sadly begun.

What will happen? The heads of all the gangs will leave town and lay low. They will make their way over to Gary, Detroit, Milwaukee, St Louis, Oakland and LA, and while waiting for things to calm down they will  use this opportunity to set up some new ventures in the burgeoning field of mass thuggary.

Meanwhile, the ATF in Chicago will grab whatever low level gang soldiers are left for Props and PR while dissembling #BLM, and without much effort infiltrating #Antifa thus, setting a new precedent for the FEDs who will no doubt utilize both the Patriot Act and NDAA (say thank you Pres. Obama for that bit, all the tools needed to lock Americans up while de-funding the long and lengthy with gobs of red-tape legal system), the surveillance and physical abduction of any and all so-called radical groups in the US is about to begin, again.

Every Antifa member should have a sign on their back now that says either, “Kick Me!” or “Stock Certificate: Property of the US Private Prison System.”

All I can say is, nice going Antifa, your members are on their way to becoming the next commodity on the NY Stock Exchange. BOOHA!

Further, now that Trump is tossing out Dodd-Frank; as weak as it was, they can also become derivatives and piled into a new Synthetic CDO.

What shall we call them?
Anti-Fa-D O or just Fa D O?
Perhaps, do ra mi fa so la te do?
For the sophisticated crowd how about, CDO solfège or Solfège CDOs?



Further random thoughts on the issue:
02/12/17 – Trump has the military and law enforcement on his side – when he was campaigning that was not done by happenstance and little came about by default, Trump nurtured that with intent. Anyone paying attention to #OWS saw Jamie Dimon do it with money and later Scott Walker; a Union buster, commandeered that very tactic by preserving just the one Union – the police.What Scooter did was not a new idea, though very timely, many then were generously reminded of Nixon talking while cowering with Kissinger in fear. Reagan’s brilliant use of patriotism didn’t escape Bill Clinton and it fueled Bush43 from 9/11 onward. Obama on the other hand kept a low profile by keeping the bankers and war profiteers happy, mostly by not investigating their theft and corruption coupled of course by their disdain that he be martyred while in office. Trump didn’t let their lessons and techniques fall to the wayside, though thinned skinned and full of vanity, Trump is a lot like death and taxes, he is the very essence of a walking, living, breathing government, hard to get rid of and made mostly of red tape.

The hate toward Trump is palatable, but he is surrounded by a titanium wall that is self-healing forged by his haters. Though his enemies are not strong or even well-organized to actually see their desires through, in reality they are not meant to, their job is to feed the divide and keep that beast alive. Most of the energy that funds their food is tainted by even worse, George Soros, meanwhile their anger and rage blinds them from seeing that fact or they just don’t care.

then this happen, this will turn the tables




Almost September 2017

How deep is the FeD buried in antifa?

they have 1000’s of names, videos, audio, e-mails, home addresses, phone numbers, recorded calls, fb pages, tweets, reddit posts, the technology that’s being used is so advanced it seems like a waste to use it on so many of these hygienically challenged people.

the surveillance of this group is the most extensive in the history of mankind, they have FeDs inside the operations, people compromised and a long list of soon to be compromised. They’ve literally made the Stasi and Stalinists look like kindergarten teachers – irony, eh?

.the FeD is shaking the tree of radicalism and they are all falling into the net like Asian carp in a southern pond. Now that Congress overwhelmingly  voted to get rid of police search warrants if you weren’t already fucked, you soon will be.

so the three real questions are/were, #1. why didn’t antifa debate instead of riot, they were silent and rather peaceful under Obama? #2. has diversity actually made America better or more stupid?

these two questions will never be discussed within the MSM, and that’s the third question, why?
consider this


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Donald J. Trump – The Genius

Part I.
Bernie Sander, 45th President of these United States of America.
Oops! Sorry, that’s taking place in the parallel universe.

First, I want to take a giant step back to 2015, when Bernie Sanders announced his bid to run for President of the United States.

Just before Bernie jumped in and Trump made his way down the escalator there was a real feeling growing on the left that this could be the year of a solid third party Populist run and win.  Even the media was going on the year before how this could be the end of the two party system.  After all, Obama proved to be a shill for Wall Street, a War Monger, not to mention the expanding NSA under his regime, record lock up of whistle-blowers by all presidents combined, and the end of the 4th Amendment via his signing of the NDAA.  The energy for a real 3rd party nominee was palpable, ‘Jill Stein or better!’sky’s the limit.  And though the campaign season seemed a long way off you just felt progressives were going to come together and really turn this into a Green year. This was it, a real third party candidate would step forward because between Clinton and Bush, “Wars & Banks Я Us!” there was absolutely no difference.

Then in May Bernie jumped into the race and that literally pulled the rug out from under a strong Green Party run. Suffice it to say, people who were on top of the issues were super pissed, they felt lost, almost betrayer, not because of Bernie’s decision to run, but that he decided to run as a Democrat.

Bernie’s appeal at the time was also pretty low among many progressives, not because of his age, but because of this town hall video – [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf2cCdgwgoM ]

I’m sure many remember.

soapboxEven though Bernie was still better than most democrats, even those who leaned left, he had this somewhat hidden and convoluted hard line pro-Israel narrative going on. He was wishy-washy on the settlements, looked the other way over the abuse of Palestinians, he never mentioned Israel’s rush towards an Apartheid state with all the atrocities, the abusive border crossings and patrols in Gaza. Further, even though he had this wise and great history of standing against the war, he voted to fund them all; wars can’t happen without money, not to mention the deals he made with Lockheed Martin in his home state of Vermont. Lastly, for all his left leaning and pro-justice views on the House and Senate Floors Bernie, as an Independent and the lone voice of the far liberal left had a history of building no more than a soapbox to stand on.

Progressives were suspicious, letting a life long Independent Bernie run as a Democrat made people think this might be a ruse by the war mongering banker bought and sold DNC now interjecting their will in order to take the wind out of the Green Party sails and rob them of their numbers. ‘Offer them Bernie and then we’ll pull in all the anti-war, anti-big-banks, anti-etceteras… we lost, all those who once hastened Obama to the front of the line and into the white house back in to the Democratic Party they left over the endless disappointments of his policies. Yat ah ahhh!’

No well informed and thinking progressive for a minute believed the DNC would let Bernie win.

Of course, in the end we were correct.

However, the big mistake the DNC made is they thought just reeling Bernie in was enough. His platform, though sketchy to most, didn’t matter, it was apparently good-nuff and as history now recalls his campaign took off and skyrocketed by October.  As they say, To The Moon! Doge! Even Bernie was amazed.


That, was the energy we knew was out there and apparently so did the DNC.

The DNC thought, ‘now that Bernie has brought the lambs back into the fold we have to get rid of Bernie.’

And they did.

But Karma’s a bitch and the way the DNC went about cheating Bernie and his voters destroyed the DNC instead. So yeah, there’s an up side to everything. The DNC is now The RIP.

Since then, as you know,  Trump won, and that was way better than Jeb and of course way better than Hillary.


No More Bush, No More Clinton, a Trump win will finally make it clear to all, the banks own the two parties, the more uncertain question was, do they also own the outside candidate? Just how f#$%ed are we? Let’s measure.

Looking at the Trump Administration the answer seems simple, but is it?

Maybe Trump is a genius (don’t laugh) or is he just another corporate owned shill?

We are about to find out.



Part II.
The art of trickle down political spacing.

So, is Trump a genius?

Did Donald John Trump hire all these diabolical corporate professional who mercilessly worked the system for their own yugely-bigly financial gain in order to make these scoundrels dismantle the whole rotten system? (Oh, what a movie that would make, eh?).

If so, then YES, it would be affirmative, he would be a genius!

The only question then is how much will Trump get done and if he will be above board or slick and secretive like Obama and Clinton?

If he choses the latter, if he’s pulled the wool over the eyes of the American People, like Obama and Bush did, this time on the Independents; the swingers, then there are few options left. You can leave, secede or pray for a meteor to hit the planet cause at that point, the people who keep the system running; until replaced by robots, are working for a zero sum gain, or unless you get off the grid and find your inner Amish you could live right well off the land, newcomer.

Regardless, the working class is going to figure all this out faster than you might think. Those making bank, the upper middle class; ze bourgeoisie, will find themselves addicted to watching Dr. Zhivago or hoping for a Brave New World.

Right now, each day that goes by it looks as if Trump is less and less of a genius, though on some things he is able to cover his tracks, a dangling carrot here, a dangling carrot there.

His hard core supporters of course are blind to his actions and if he does lean away from the promised original task, ruffling their feather’s a bit, they are willing to cut him a break and qualify any one specific action with, “He’s trying to maintain the peace working for ALL Americans, what a guy!”

Some think it’s enough that he stop immigration from terrorist nations, (today’s results look very selective), put up the wall, bring jobs back and cut taxes. Those people say in the end Trump won’t be great, but above mediocre.

One question few have asked is, what does Trump really think?


Personally, right now, I’m trying to decide how I feel about long beards, brims, bonnets and buggies.


If I think of anything else I’ll add it as we continue over his first 100 days to test this hypothesis,  Is Trump a Genius?

Great quote by Lee Fang, who I still think is a bit of a shill for the DNC, and how would he make a living if not for the endless conflicts he writes about? I wonder…  but maybe he’s waking up, a little? – “To win in the midterm elections all GOP has to do is deploy right wing podcasters & message board trolls to campuses, left easily distracted”

I don’t think Trump is Hitler, nor do I believe he will become Hitler or Stalin for that matter- but the two parties have acted like Hitler and Stalin for decades – just count the global dead by their corporate deeds, but there is a 4th Reich and a new Stalinism taking hold, where this is happening and by who, shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.
btw – I’ve been pondering this topic for a while, voicing many of the words here and elsewhere, but what helped me toss this into one semi-cohesive context was this


Keystone Pipeline

In Process
Bring Back Jobs
Controlling Middle East Immigration
Improve Russia Relationships
Deregulate Banks
Appoint SCOTUS

Build Wall
Cut Environmental Regulation
Defeat ISIS
Deport Illegal Immigrants
End Common Core
End Obamacare – Health Care Reform
Lower Taxes Business and Personal
Move Israel Embassy
Rebuild Infrastructure
Renegotiate Iran Deal
Renegotiate NAFTA
Withdraw Paris Climate Change

Goldman Sachs Appointed
Big Oil Appointed
Too Much Foreign Aid
Ending all banking regulation


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Concerning James O’Keefe and US Foreign Policy

In response to Constitutional Lawyer Jonathan Turley‘s resent blog post:

okeefeConservative Filmmaker James O’Keefe Suspended By Twitter.

“… Twitter has become a lightening rod for the free speech community — repeatedly accused of content-based censorship and a liberal bias. Twitter was recently accused of a departure from the policy of unfettered free speech in the filtering of negative comments against President Barack Obama. Then Twitter banned Milo Yiannopoulos in a very disturbing move against a conservative speaker. Now, Twitter is back in the news targeting another conservative. After releasing two viral videos, Project Veritas Founder and President James O’Keefe was barred from access to his Twitter account for 12 hours (with review for a permanent ban). Twitter again appears to have little explanation for suspending another conservative other than the content of his speech.”

Perhaps we don’t have to go much further than the following:


Saudi Prince owns more of Twitter than Twitter’s CEO

Saudis bankroll 20% of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign – expects pay to play

Saudi Prince Bankrolls al qaeda

Pro Saudi Women’s Group Suspended On Twitter

Twitter Fight: Trump vs Saudi Prince



Then there is the Saudi and US heartless and devastating bombing of Yemen; armed by the US and Israel. The funding of the rebels in Syria; armed by US and Israeli. The funding of al qaeda in Libya; armed by the US and Israel. The funding of Mossad/ISIS, and the funding/arming of Israeli and Saudi aggression against the Palestinians.

Bush43 should have been arrested for a lot of things, from illegal wars to war crimes, however, this has to be one of the most egregious

Further, the Saudi influence over Obama via his veto of the 911 bill that would have allowed the families of 911 to sue the Saudis  — (Congress Override), and finally, the $38 Billion to Israel, guaranteeing 10 more years of war for Americans.

If only a number of these topics were questions in the presidential campaign and debate.

The US needs to pull out of the Middle East and leave the bulk of that hot mess to China, EU and Russia. Americans need to stop being the world’s police for debt, and start minding its own business.

The only thing the Saudis have is oil and fiat, both which the US can find elsewhere, and both, through technology, the US can do without their supply. Lastly, the US needs to divorce being the sole patron of Israel. US engagement in the Middle East has bought the American People nothing, but heartache, slavery and death.

If Hillary is elected; by hook or by crook, the only way out of the Saudi’s and the Israeli’s aggressive influences will be secession. If Trump is elected the Union will more or less remain, however, we will see a different president elected every 4 years for decades to come.


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Filed under business, debt, education, hillary, history, just wrong, justice, media, News, obama, secession, vigilance, war