Tag Archives: google

Give Your Money Away Challenge #GYMAC

billionaires“We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.” -R Buckminster Fuller

Government hasn’t worked for the little people since Jimmy Carter, roughly 36 years, and it ain’t going to work in the future for them either – YET – these wealthy so called Liberals and Christians have done little to nothing that helps the poor – they all seem fine with keeping a broken government, course they profit large off of the dream to fix it, their money invested in the stock-market they criticize, but we all know it will never be fixed and they will continue to profit. Is it a lie they tell themselves? Only human after all.

So here’s my challenge to all the upper 20% of liberal left, progressives, democrats – whatever you call yourselves these days – and those who call themselves Good Christians, GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY CHALLENGE #GYMAC.

Make being greedy rich shameful again (#MGRSA? too many acronyms?). See who can give the most away to as many people as possible who can work to live their dream and not go completely broke. Bypass the wealthy bankers and stockholders, invest directly in real live people.

What the giver will receive: the incalculable adoration of most of the human species. Is that not enough?

Spread Joy and call it an Art Project.

Add conditions to the funds if you like, pay people to work at something they love to do, that will benefit others.  Mentor a student, sponsor a protégé.  Y’all got lawyers/agents to draw up a contracts, right? Be like Christ or Buddha and just GIVE IT AWAY lottery style if you must! You can spread it out, use it as a tax write off, promote yourself as the best human being on the planet. Become a real entrepreneur, a mensch, show the republicans you can do great things for business, the planet AND real people by allowing those who receive the funds to keep their dignity, maybe actually work towards fixing that broken government you’ve been talking about, all at the same time.

Don’t you think it’s time?

Unless, that’s not what you really want? We know keeping the status quo keeps your pockets full. Is that what you’re all about? We wonder…

The Industrial Revolution is Over – Technology has changed everything, it should also change our burdens; so we were told. Time to share the wealth! Move Forward! Onward and Upward as a species. Face it, most of you just got lucky, right time, right place, a little drive.

Regardless of how you got there, Just Do It!  Please, do something good.

Find some hard working people, lost people, desperate people, good people hanging by a thread and reach out, give them a helping hand or a leg up, throw a lottery; luck be a lady, or fund some good idea;  get 10% of the profits if it works and then fund more people.

Honestly, what’s $15k/$20k a year to a multi-millionaire or billionaire?

Promote #basicincome, DO SOMETHING instead of always profiting off our misery.

It’s a win win for you anyway you look at it.

don’t be greedy, share it!

at least try

p.s. I don’t mean to be harsh or sarcastic, but people are committing suicide because they see no hope, mostly because of debt; medical, student and otherwise. They no longer have job security, they live in constant fear and anxiety, no way to plan ahead or reach for greater goals. No longer do we see an increase in wages for average people, not even for the cost of living, and the loss of benefits, health care, no holiday pay or vacations wages, even after years of service, why go on? Many people’s greatest hope is winning the lottery that’s what it has come down to – pure luck. It’s understandable to wonder what is the point of going on, or to even bring a child into such a world and it is an even harsher reality when people see crooked bankers bailed out with their labor, and still receiving bonuses, CEOs making 1000 time more than the average worker as their income falls, and of course the endless wars which diminished all of our standard of living, with the shame that the slaughter of innocent people is being done in our name, we have lost our moral compass and most of all trust. If you have the means you really need to start giving back or grant these people final peace and honestly state openly that you are a Malthusian Darwinist – but please do not call yourself a liberal or Christian, that is a horrible trick and a sin to play on another human being.

Become A Random Actor:

George Michael
Willie Nelson
Khalil Rafati
Dylan Ratigan
J.K. Rowling
Russell Brand
Ashton Kutcher


Is this fer realz?

Can’t just bitch any more, you have to build.

If you know someone else who should be put on the list, please let me know. Thanks



p.p.s. Someone asked me how do you get on the Random Actors List?
I say click on the links and that will give you a pretty good idea of what makes a random actor, a real mensch. I don’t have a scientific method set up to analyze it, but I figure at least 50% of your time and wealth is probably a good start. I would also say a hand written letter (typed is okay too) or some token of appreciation, from the people you have helped would become priceless works of art. I personally have a story of a token given to me a long time ago, I’ll share that story here .

p.p.p.s. YES, YES and YES, I was raised in a hard core FDR, JFK, LBJ, Jimmy Carter Democrat environment, but I’ve seen the democratic party become a corporate owned entity conglomerate starting with the Clintons and now Obama. I saw the DNC work to destroy the Greens and cheat Bernie Sanders. This is not the party of FDR, JFK, LBJ or Jimmy Carter any more, those days have been over for decades, you need to face that fact. The little people no longer have a voice anywhere in government. Both parties are controlled by banks and corporations. The only way to even try and restore it is for wealthy liberals to put up the fund that restores the life and dignity of the little guy, the voiceless, the working people again. Your protests will do little to nothing, they have already put you in cages, tapped the phones of activist organizers, made whistle-blowers criminals. How can you not see this? If the wealthy liberals do not do this act I’m afraid then we can only assume they are in on the deal, their own personal profits mean more to them than their fellow citizens. Let’s hope they get on the correct side of history.

these guys don’t seem to care – how come?

.check for updates…


Summer – 2019
Is This Man The Real Deal?

Winter – 2020

Sorry to say IMO, he is not, so NO!

-Full Transparency NO

-True Philanthropy? NO

-Shady dealings and colleagues pushing people into other potential scams with gestapo type information required tactics? YES

There’s so much here that doesn’t smell right, I don’t know where to begin, but there are plenty of other people who have been flushing this all out, a search will take you there. However, If you choose to still enter his “Sweepstakes” don’t give your precious data away.

It’s a real shame, breaks my heart this wasn’t real philanthropy, not sure what you call this outside a “It’s MY MONEY” power trip. I haven’t seen this kind of banter since Gordon Gekko.  This so called movement has actually made me dislike people and not want to  help anyone. I am also less trusting of others after watching this performance. As they say the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Philanthropy doesn’t form businesses or create teams. You give money away no question’s asked, no strings. It’s that simple. That is NOT what this was.

One of the saddest things here, and I don’t know if this guy knows or cares, but to get people to like him, follow him and care about him he had to offer them money. But perhaps he liked toying with the masses by dangling trinkets in front of their desperate faces? Hard to know the true intent, building a Brand was defiantly part of this., and of course this also says a thing or two about those hoping for a piece of the pie, me included,. Yet the responsibility lays mostly with the one who has the advantage. In the end I came to the conclusion that if you want to really help people in need, either let the government develop a programs fairlym without bias, threat of deception or just give your money away no questions asked.

Now the people who did get money, most of them sounded like paid actors. There’s no way to check them out from this end and many of these people’s twitter account have vanished. One day this will out and embarrass some people, or maybe not. We know narcissists don’t care, maybe that’s what we have here?

In the end my hopes were dashed yet again. I do wonder how many people trusted and believed this guy and how many were pushed to either commit or further the road towards suicide? We needs to do better and we should try, but this wasn’t it. So I disavow.

Bill Pulte
Albeit he’s not giving it all away, but he’s doing a pretty good job giving a chunk of it away, and he’s reaching out, giving some people a needed hand-up and it looks like he’s following through. However, his financials aren’t as transparent to the public as consumer advocates would like. He does have the potential to form a coalition that will unite a good number of little people to start getting things done, help each other out, bring back some of our humanity, but he also has the opportunity to mine your data, in no small way. This seems to be the biggest complaint from his detractors. Others have said his requirement for retweeting is not real philanthropy, that true philanthropy has no requirements. Some believe that he’s created an atmosphere where people feel the need to beg for help, and that this is a form of cruel humiliation. Still others, in his income class, have criticized his hubris when referencing, “My Money,” revealing a bourgeoisie standard stereotyping the wealthy middle class of the past. I had hoped he might try and reinvigorate the idea of The John Doe Clubs, but we live in different times. Maybe we are looking at the reincarnation of Huey Long? Yet, we are at least 40 years past due on that front. All pettiness aside, the question remains, is he one of the good guys? Understand, trust is at an all time low in this country and the world, so in full disclosure, there seems to be some controversy surrounding him. None-the-less, this is an opportunity to change all that, to reinvigorate a positive outlook on life and this great nation again, it’s really up to him and those he inspires. Finger’s crossed, let’s hope he is one of the good guys. God knows we need them!

from the mind ~ random acts of creativity.
from the heart ~ random acts of kindness.
from the will ~ random acts of helping make ends meet.


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Filed under art, business, education, great Ideas, history, nature, News, politics, social epistemology

How To Fix A You Tube Problem

This channel’s upload has been limited…

…along with the lecture by Aaron Swartz this made me think, there doesn’t seem to be any real way for the common people to communicate with You Tube – I’m hoping there are people out there who are familiar with everything You Tube who are willing to share.

I’m going to start a list of complaints and hopefully solutions on this thread. Please share yours in the comments and I’ll add them to the list. If you respond add the number of the topic, I suspect the list will be long.

1.You Tube will allows corporations to claim false copyright infringement: thys often do this against their own users, thus not only sharing ad revenue with this corporations, but not compensating the user for doing the research that proves the claim wrong. Let me paint that picture for you.
a. you upload public domain content.
b. some corporation claims copyright.
c. it is now your responsibility to prove and dispute that claim.
d. that involves your time, unpaid.
e. once proven, there is no penalty against the corporation for their false claim, however, if you were to do what the corporation did you could lose your you tube channel and all your work.
f. further, once proven that the corporation does not have the rights to the content do they still reap the ad revenue? no one seems to know, there isn’t any transparency from you tube or the company making a false claim, how come?

2. Contacting You Tube Google via e-mail reply – your message has been sent to our spam folder. How it that this company can not tell the difference between the email addresses they require you to have in order to sign up and spam? In many cases Google You Tube email requires you to give them your phone number. Are they unable to communicate like the FBI an CIA c. 2001?

3. You Tube Contact Numbers:

4. The Orchard:

5. Organizing:

6. Copyright:

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Filed under business, computers, education, film, history, international, just wrong, justice, media, music, News, politics, science and technology, share, social epistemology, SPREAD IT!, video, vigilance, viral video

Brief 10 September 2012

What the Hell Happen to the Democratic Party?

Democrat Obama gave us:
-He ended Due Process for all American Citizens.
-He extended the Patriot Act when he had an opportunity to end it.
-He added four more wars on top of Afghanistan not to mention all the troops and contractors STILL in Iraq (and Obama didn’t end Iraq, Bush set the withdrawal date).
-The drones oh, the drones, he vastly expanded that war machine and has slaughtered hundreds of innocent women and children in Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia. He’s even invaded sovereign country’s air space with these things, that’s an act of war!
-Now he’s lining troops up on the Syrian border.
-There’s been no investigation for the Bush/Cheney war crimes, he called it moving forward. Forward? Towards what?! He is now guilty of at least 27 of the 35 Acts of Impeachment purposed by Representative Dennis Kucinich.
-And killing OBL… the Saudi Royals gave more money to terrorists organizations and al-qaeda and he didn’t even initiate any investigation.
-Gitmo is still open and he just sunk $40M for an upgrade, not to mention the 15 year old who has been sitting and rotting in Gitmo for 10 years.
-The torture of American Citizen Bradley Manning.
-He’s put more whistle-blowers in jail than all the president in US history.
-He extended the Bush tax cuts.
-He approved the Colombian free trade agreement which destroys US wages.
-He hired Jeffery Immelt of GE as his job czar who outsourced, under his direction as CEO, more American Jobs than any other company.
-He put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block.
-He continues to allow endless corporate welfare and tax evasion, along with letting crooked banks off the hook for violating mortgage laws through foreclosures with barely a slap on the wrist.
-He’s allowed the trading of Wall Street Banker’s toxic waste, including GM Financial, for pensions and savings.
-BP is still allowed to drill!

the list goes on and on…

and still you support what you perceive as the lesser evil?
how do you even agree with any of the above?
when do you stop supporting that?
when is enough enough?!
how can any progressive, liberal or any thinking empathetic person support Obama?

you’re voting for more of the same.

you are being forced into this situation and both parties know it.

I can’t, and I wont.


Green 2012


Big Coal or Big Coal?

Joe Rogan & David Seaman: Trapwire, Wikileaks, and the NDAA

Scahill: Tour of Yemen

part 2

google bans political ad

more on the story and update

“The only way to win a race to the bottom is to refuse to race.”

Bill Black: Even though many on Wall Street understand need for regulation, most want a free-for-all and damn the consequences.


what are you to me?


WASHINGTON – The Federal Reserve’s record-low interest rates have shrunk income for savers but cut costs for borrowers. Chairman Ben Bernanke is among the beneficiaries.

Bernanke’s latest financial disclosure form, released Thursday, shows he refinanced his Washington home in 2011. He took out a 30-year mortgage with a fixed 4.25 percent rate, replacing one taken out in 2009 that carried a 5.375 percent rate.



a fantasy fairy tale from a satirical news outlet, just like the FED

ECONOPOLIS—As part of an effort to consolidate ties with the sovereign fiscal nation, U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke visited the cloud city-state of Econopolis on Friday to participate in ongoing diplomatic talks.

Bernanke, who traveled in a luxury cable car to the opulent capital floating 20,000 feet above the earth’s surface, was greeted upon arrival by President Cash Moneyton III, as well as a delegation of Econopolis representatives from the Ministry of Supply, the Bureau of Demand, the Agency of Goods, the Department of Services, and the Office of Consumption.

“Econopolis is the world leader in the exchange of currency and a shining beacon of commerce,” said Bernanke, admiring the hundreds of glass skyscrapers and the 125-story golden dollar-sign-shaped tower that dominate the skyline of the Ka-Ching financial district. “This great monetary nation is a key strategic partner for the United States and crucial to its fiscal well-being.”

“America treasures this relationship and greatly benefits from its alliance with the world’s No. 1 supplier of commodity, value, and profit,” Bernanke added. read more


ceci n’est pas une économiste

Big Brother is WWWatching You

anonymous go daddy


a little lighter
Terry Talk


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Need to make some big money?

Win Cash from Google by suing a Youtubers for video taping in PUBLIC.

court document

“YouTube and I are getting sued for the “creepy ice cream man,” video I made. The ice cream man, I just learned is Sam Hubi from PA (this is public now that he’s sued me, but I otherwise wouldn’t list his name). The video was meant to parody my fear of ice-cream trucks — kinda like Clown Phobia video, which Stinky The Clown loved).

The Ice Cream Man was aware I was videotaping him and didn’t object, but he went to police when he saw it. Of course when the police called me, I pulled down the videos immediately. I later uploaded one where he wasn’t identifiable, but apparently Sam was still bothered by it.

Anyway I’ve been sitting on this for a week, because I didn’t want to make it worse… but I am suspending The YouTube Orbit for a bit, because it’s a bit hard to get excited about making videos right now. THANKS for your support. I feel really bad for the guy- I don’t like humor at someone’s expense, and I intended the video to be more self deprecating… a dad is creeped out by happy things like ice cream and clowns, and passes on his mock phobias to his children.

Anyway I wish this was a prank, but it’s real. I called Sam and asked him what he wanted… He said it wasn’t about the money. But then I discovered on the public document a page that was missing from the ones the sheriff hand delivered. He’s after an excess of $500K for violating his civil rights and defaming him. I’ve spoken with an attorney, and it appears he doesn’t have a legitimate case. But I’ve still gotta deal with this, and it’s sucking my video mojo away.

Many of you thought the song reminded you of The Doors “Riders On the Storm.” Do you suppose the Doors will sue me next? Heck my little video of TreeTrunks from my beloved Adventure Time got copyright flagged by Cartoon Networks… and it was a free promotion for the adorable show by Fred Siebert. 😦

And the Geek Squad incident? Really I gotta go reread The Secret or check out the new Power Byrne book because I’m attracting some weird stuff. Or maybe I’ll go on one of those retreats and hang out in a hot hut. ”

Ice Cream Man SUES: Hubi vs. Nalty

Kevin’s Blog



What this ice cream man has done is put an American Family under pressure. More pressure, especially financial pressure is something Americans do not need.

If one is discontent with their image being taken in a public place on a public thoroughfare the polite thing to do is say, please remove my image. If you are out in public you risk having your picture or video of your actions taken. This is what happens in public places and why we call them public.

You don’t sue people over such a triviality, then lie and say it’s not about the money while declaring  $500,000 for the infraction.

In my book that’s nothing short of extortion.

The idea of such a frivolous law suit will make most American angry. When confronted by such incredulity people find themselves forced to use the law to its full extent and by any legal means possible. It is not a matter of pride it is a matter of survival.

This will not be a free ride to riches. What the law allows the law will endure.

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Filed under business, computers, education, film, fyi, general, humor, just wrong, media, News, strange, video, vigilance

Move To Google Village

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Filed under business, computers, congress, humor, politics, science and technology