Yearly Archives: 2009

Who is Mousavi?

Mousavi responsible for the killing of 5,000 political dissidents when he was prime minister.

iranflagA  New American and Iranian Alliance
The Iranian People have made a very loud statement, but now I think they have reached an impasse.

It’s time to make plans for peace, go to the table and work a few things out before anyone else gets hurt.

Democracy is a process. Take a look at resent US history, 60 years later and we are still trying to make sure every American has Health Care. It is immoral to allow 18,000 people to die each year for the sake of profits. That is six 911s. Untold millions continue to suffer because they are under-insured or have been refused treatment.

Over 40 years ago police and the National Guard were beating protesters in Chicago and African Americans on the march.

From Vietnam, Iran Conta to the Wars in Iraq, Kosovo, Iraq again and now Afghanistan, yet it seems few can be bothered to muster up off their Lazy Boy and demand our leaders in government and industry be held accountable.

We’ve got a new president now, a man of color, so we have come a ways, but we’re still getting there, it takes time and Allah Willing Iran will do the same.

This massive twitter and blogging frenzy was interesting, certainly played a big part for the people who have family in Iran and a huge part for the media. Some politics was extrapolated, not unexpected, and it was a great exercise for students. Shame it too often takes a war for students in the US to learn about the geography of a place in the world.

The Americans who participated in this effort, I hope, will do the same when it comes to Health Care, Living Wage Jobs, Fair Housing and Education for their fellow American Citizens, and I hope when they take to the streets, which I expect them to do now, set as an example by the Iranian People, they will not have to face a stick, a gun or a tasers like the people in Iran and the folks who marched and protested at the RNC Convention.

What the Iranian People have illustrated so far to the American People is they are intelligent, modern, and even though they yearn for more liberty they are a lot more democratic than any place in the Middle East outside of Israel and even more so than China.

And what all this twittering and blogging; communicating, has done for the United States is sent the message loud and clear that the American People have nothing fear from the People of Iran.

Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut
He may yet turn out to be the avatar of Iranian democracy, but three decades ago Mir-Hossein Mousavi was waging a terrorist war on the United States that included bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.

Ahmadinejad vs Mousavi


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22 June 2009 – Brief

Art Basel

Pensioners ‘kidnap and torture’ Financial Adviser
The incident began on Tuesday last week as he made his way home after enjoying a drink at an outdoor café with a friend.

Mr Amburn, the boss of an investment firm called Digitalglobalnet, was allegedly attacked by two men – aged 74 and 60 – as he entered his apartment building.

“Then they bound me with masking tape until I looked like a mummy. It took them quite a while because they ran out of breath. When they loaded me into the car I thought I was a dead man.”


Cell Phone Prices Got You Down?
American consumers pay more for wireless phone service than most other developed nations – an average of $506 per year in 2007.





Daily Weather


Who Is Mark Twain? by Flash Rosenberg
or if you prefer,  monsters



APTOPIX Mideast Iran Election

Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”
The protests in Tehran no doubt have many sincere participants. The protests also have the hallmarks of the CIA orchestrated protests in Georgia and Ukraine. It requires total blindness not to see this.

On May 23, 2007, Brian Ross and Richard Esposito reported on ABC News: “The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell ABC News.”

On May 27, 2007, the London Telegraph independently reported: “Mr. Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilize, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs.”

A few days previously, the Telegraph reported on May 16, 2007, that Bush administration neocon warmonger John Bolton told the Telegraph that a US military attack on Iran would “be a ‘last option’ after economic sanctions and attempts to foment a popular revolution had failed.”

On June 29, 2008, Seymour Hersh reported in the New Yorker: “Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership.”
this isn’t conspiracy theory  stuff folks


Who Put the ‘green’ in the Green Revolution?
The United States, of course.
As in the previous “color revolutions” that seem to tirelessly capture the romantic imagination of US journalists, elites, and the propagandized population, the warm embrace of the US empire is firmly guiding the “spontaneous” Iranian uprising against last week’s election results. While I do not and should not– nor should any other American — care in the slightest who rules a country some seven thousand miles away, when the fingerprints of the US empire show up on these dramatic events overseas it is very much my business.

Brent Scowcroft: US Has Spies On the Ground in Iran

The Past
CIA in Iran
IRAN and the CIA
CIA Overthrow of Mossadeq
Iran – Preparing the Battlefield

The Present
CIA in Iran
CIA Killed Nede?
Bloody Hands?
MSM Iraq Failure vs SNM Iran Failure

The Marketing Genius Of Twitter-sh

Iran Put Twitter On The Map


no subs

Mexicans have seen almost 5700 gang slayings last year, 1200 more than all the U.S. military casualties in 5 years of war in Iraq – Assassinations, Beheadings, Kidnapping, Children Made to Drink Acid, Ransom, Blackmail, Dismemberment, People striped naked and left hanging from sign posts, bridges and trees . It’s not just gang members fueling these wars,  others with scores to settle or using the gang wars to prey on innocent people. Children at school in playgrounds find they are in the middle of a gun war and it is all spilling over into US border towns.

You Think Iran Is A Mess Look At What’s Happening On The US Border Drug-cartel fueled violence has turned into a war in Mexico, with thousands of deaths  and the government, which has been infiltrated by the cartel are battling gangs whose weapons come mostly from U.S. dealers and an insatiable needs by the American People illicit and  illegal drugs.

Over 12,000 have been killed since 2006
And we’re in the Middle East?


ObamaReaganOP ED: Obama Needs a Shot of Reagan

Obama needs to tell the House and Senate, “That it is unconscionable, immoral, shameful and cruel that we all here in our Nation’s Capital are covered by one of the best health cares plans in the world and the people who pay for that coverage are not or can not afford what we all here take for granted.”

Obama needs to show that he is a pillar of strength and determination. Give him what he wants or he will go to the American Public on TV, radio, like Reagan, and the internet non stop.

Democrats up for election in 2010 shouldn’t bother to seek his help or assistance if they don’t give him a Bill that covers every American; they can face the uninsured or under-insured alone at their local town hall meetings.

You can’t bail out failed wealthy CEOs and bankers and not give the people who are paying the bills health care so they can keep working to pay the debt and personal wealth CEOs have acquired and accumulated.

Yes, the system and life aint fair, but then there’s prison.

From those working the system or around it to our own lack of civic duty catching the faults and making corrections before tragedy strikes, few are blameless.

If Republicans whine, Obama needs to ask, “Where was the outrage when the American People bailed out these free market failing banks and continued to pay the bonuses and salaries of wealthy boards and CEOs? They can’t fain amnesia now when it was a Republican Administration that got us in this mess, set by one of their own Goldman Sachs Free Marketers Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson who issued the TARP deal of no choice. Why didn’t the GOP call for his resignation then? Is their only defense that these so called Wall Street Capitalists deserved our gratitude with tax payer funds because they are somehow more equal than others?”

Like it or not we bailed out the banks, wealthy corporation and took a huge hit to our savings, the reality is that Wall Street and the Little People are now attached at the hip and nothing’s free fellas.

So let’s try and be fair remembering we are not only individuals, but citizens of a great nation. Let’s catch up with technology, psychology, and science in our modern world, incorporate the better tenants religion has to offer, take the tools we have and work up from there never forgetting the public good.



PRIVATE Iraq Inquiry


Weaker Copyright Benefits Everyone



Defense Department sees Protests as Terrorism
Antiterrorism training materials used by the Department of Defense teach that public protests should be regarded as “low-level terrorism,” according to a letter of complaint sent to the department by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California.

“Teaching employees that dissent on issues of public concern is something to be feared, rather than encouraged, is a dangerously counterproductive use of scarce security resources, making us less safe as a democracy,” Northern California ACLU staff attorney Ann Brick and ACLU Washington national security policy counsel Michael German wrote in the letter to Gail McGinn, acting undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness.

“DOD employees cannot accomplish their mission of protecting our nation and its values unless they understand that those values encompass the right to criticize our government through protest activities,” they wrote. “It is imperative that they are taught the difference between political, religious or social activism and terrorism.”

changeIn Poll, Wide Support for Government-Run Health
Americans overwhelmingly support substantial changes to the health care system and are strongly behind one of the most contentious proposals Congress is considering, a government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

The poll found that most Americans would be willing to pay higher taxes so everyone could have health insurance and that they said the government could do a better job of holding down health-care costs than the private sector.

Yet the survey also revealed considerable unease about the impact of heightened government involvement, on both the economy and the quality of the respondents’ own medical care. While 85 percent of respondents said the health care system needed to be fundamentally changed or completely rebuilt, 77 percent said they were very or somewhat satisfied with the quality of their own care.

That paradox was skillfully exploited by opponents of the last failed attempt at overhauling the health system, during former President Bill Clinton’s first term. Sixteen years later, it underscores the tricky task facing lawmakers and President Obama as they try to address the health system’s substantial problems without igniting fears that people could lose what they like.


product placement

Too Over The Top of Too Over The Top?

Bag Art



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Weekend Brief June Week III

The History and Truth About Father’s Day



feels like…



ciao bella, don’t look back


not your boyfriend!



Breaking the Bank
Party’s Over

zefrank does time

What if it turns out that the CIA is encouraging some radical or criminal elements in Iran and innocent people are getting hurt and killed because of our funded actions? Considering their nefarious history some participation by the CIA is a given.

I’ve got no dog in this fight. Iran is a sovereign nation and I respect borders.

Much like our own corporate cronies and politicians a number of their Mullahs are fat cats, yes, Iran has crooks too. Both want power and control over the people – either spiritually or economically, and seeing that money is the new religion in the US it doesn’t really matter what the item or soul is, the goal is control.

And there seems to be no stopping this feeding frenzy by the US Media, it’s on a Drunken Bender and a little gassy with minute by minute, second by second reports, most are unverified. But, the readers are lapping them up like the Running of the Bride at a Filene’s Basement Sale.

Iran has turned into Spring Break for the Media, keeping those viewer numbers up means ad-dollars next month and those numbers will definitely look better in the ‘journalism’ business than last.

And the hero of the day? Not a real journalist who is risking life and limb waking up the world with verifiable facts, nope, it’s Twitter!

Perhaps, we should make June WE (whatever) Official TD (Twitter Day)

In the end there’s only one thing I hope these protests will inspire… that the Americans People rise up and take back their OWN country from the Oligarchs who are destroying their lives right now even as theytwitter.

And I hope no one in our CIA is meddling in Iran, but I doubt it, better check twitter just in case.

As the good Reverend Cornelius Blow would say, Follow Me.

update – wasn’t hard to figure out, was it?
Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated “Color Revolution?”
by Paul Craig Roberts


Iran? Nope.
List of Journalists Arrested at the RNC


Can We Start Over?
This time let’s divide the United States up according to Baseball Teams


Too Big To Fail, Politically
What is the essence of the problem with our financial system – what brought us into deep crisis, what scared us most in September/October of last year, and what was the toughest problem in the early days of the Obama administration?

The issue was definitely not that banks and non-banks could fail in general. We’re good at handling some kinds of financial failure. The problem was: a relatively small number of troubled banks were so large that their failure could imperil both our financial system and the world economy. And – at least in the view of Treasury – these banks were so large that they couldn’t be taken over in a normal FDIC-type receivership. (The notion that the government lacked legal authority to act is smokescreen; please tell me which statute authorized the removal of Rick Waggoner from GM.)

One huge concern that needs far more attention is that the people who failed our institutions within the system they created, the people who who caused the bubble, made poor choices, along with the scams and thieft, these people are STILL in charge – it’s like Max Keiser said, the American People must be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome to allow these financial terrorists to continue to hold our financial system and our security hostage.


yes, we have no bananas

Consider the banana. All iconic yellow peel and soft, sweet inside — you can find it at the nearest Trader Joe’s for as little as 19 cents apiece.

But how much have you really thought about how it got there? Now the ubiquitous and perishable fruit finds itself the focus of appreciation in two new exhibitions opening this week from Los Angeles-based collective Fallen Fruit.

The first, “United Fruit,” opened Tuesday at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. On Saturday, a concurrent exhibit, “Fresh ‘n Easy,” opens at Highland Park art gallery Another Year in L.A. Together, the two present a portrait of the human beings behind the cultivation and production of bananas, and also how fruit itself becomes an element of popular culture and the global economy.

“Our goal is, and has always been, to change the way you look at fruit as an object,” says David Burns, who formed Fallen Fruit in 2004 with Matias Viegener and Austin Young.

“Buying a banana in a grocery store is not an intimate process, but the work that goes into banana harvesting is very personal. It’s all done by hand, as opposed to a mechanized assembly line.”
more bananas



Fury as AIG pays $450m to staff who nearly broke firm
The crisis-stricken insurer AIG has infuriated the Obama administration by paying “retention” bonuses of $450m (£322m) to staff at the London-run financial products division that crippled the company with vast losses on toxic derivatives.

Senior White House officials yesterday condemned the payments by the struggling company which has received more than $150bn of US government aid.

Newly released figures revealed that billions of dollars of public money used to prop up AIG have flowed to European banks which were trading partners with the insurer – including Barclays, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland.

AIG’s problems are largely down to disastrous contracts to protect banks against bad losses which were written by AIG Financial Products – a business largely run from offices in Mayfair.
AIG is handing out money to 400 ­executives from this unit under a loyalty programme drawn up before the scale of its difficulties became clear.

. .

Trust No One

very cool
re zefrank



The food maker Nestle today voluntarily recalled its refrigerated Toll House cookie dough products and warned consumers not to eat raw Toll House cookie dough as fears about possible E. coli contamination spread to more than two dozen states.

City requires Facebook passwords from job applicants
If you’re planning to apply for a job with the city of Bozeman, prepare to clean up your Facebook page.

As part of routine background checks, the city asks job applicants to provide their usernames and passwords for their social-networking sites. And it has been doing it for years, city officials said.

“Please list any and all, current personal or business Web sites, Web pages or memberships on any Internet-based chat rooms, social clubs or forums, to include, but not limited to: Facebook, Google, Yahoo,, MySpace, etc.,” states a city waiver form applicants are asked to sign. Three lines are provided for applicants to list log-in information for each site.

City officials maintain the policy is necessary to ensure employees’ integrity and protect the public’s trust, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Montana says they may be crossing the line.

. apathy

President George W Obama?
President Barack Obama is morphing into George W. Bush, as administration attorneys repeatedly adopt the executive-authority and national-security rationales that their Republican predecessors preferred.

In courtroom battles and freedom-of-information fights from Washington, D.C., to California, Obama’s legal arguments repeatedly mirror Bush’s: White House turf is to be protected, secrets must be retained and dire warnings are wielded as weapons.

“It’s putting up a veritable wall around the White House, and it’s so at odds with Obama’s campaign commitment to more open government,” said Anne Weismann, chief counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a legal watchdog group.

Here Comes The Sun

note it’s all right

life on a shoestring!

Six Corporate Bullies Beat Up Mother of Four

Weaker Copyright Benefits Everyone

Suitcase With $134 Billion Puts Dollar on Edge
Two Japanese men are detained in Italy after allegedly attempting to take $134 billion worth of U.S. bonds over the border into Switzerland. Details are maddeningly sketchy, so naturally the global rumor mill is kicking into high gear.

Are these would-be smugglers agents of Kim Jong Il stashing North Korea’s cash in a Swiss vault? Bagmen for Nigerian Internet scammers? Was the money meant for terrorists looking to buy nuclear warheads? Is Japan dumping its dollars secretly? Are the bonds real or counterfeit?

The implications of the securities being legitimate would be bigger than investors may realize. At a minimum, it would suggest that the U.S. risks losing control over its monetary supply on a massive scale.

The trillions of dollars of debt the U.S. will issue in the next couple of years needs buyers. Attracting them will require making sure that existing ones aren’t losing faith in the U.S.’s ability to control the dollar.
this story is so good, read more…


From The Financial Times
Mafia blamed for $134bn fake Treasury bills
Few details have been revealed beyond a June 4 statement by the Italian finance police announcing the seizure of 249 US Treasury bills, each of $500m, and 10 “Kennedy” bonds, used as intergovernment payments, of $1bn each. The men were apparently tailed by the Italian authorities.

The mystery deepened on Thursday as an Italian blog quoted Colonel Rodolfo Mecarelli of the Como provincial finance police as saying the two men had been released. The colonel and police headquarters in Rome both declined to respond to questions from the Financial Times.

Wait, What?!
“the two men had been released.”

Japan To Abolish Cash?

daschleDaschle Has ties to Private Health Care Industry While Urging Obama to Drop Public Health Care Plan
The firm that houses two of the three former Senate majority leaders who proposed a comprehensive health care compromise bill on Wednesday has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby on behalf of key players in the health care industry. In addition, the company that presented those findings, the Bipartisan Policy Center, counts as a major fundraiser one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

The firm that houses two of the three former Senate majority leaders who proposed a comprehensive health care compromise bill on Wednesday has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby on behalf of key players in the health care industry. In addition, the company that presented those findings, the Bipartisan Policy Center, counts as a major fundraiser one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

Former Sens. Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and Howard Baker joined forces this week to put out a health care plan 15 months in the making. The three political gray beards, who co-founded the Bipartisan Policy Center, called for an approach to reform that included state-operated public insurance options as well as individual and employer mandates for coverage. Their proposal was pitched as a bi-partisan effort at solving one of the most complex legislative issue facing the nation.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Alston + Bird filed 60 lobbying reports in 2008 on issues pertaining to Medicare and Medicaid. An additional eight were filed on matters relating to “health issues” and three on pharmaceutical matters. That same year, the firm lobbied Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 35 times, and the Department of Health and Human Services ten

The clients it represented included the American Hospital Association (which paid the firm $80,000), Bayer AG ($120,000), Fresenius Medical Care ($160,000), Generic Pharmaceutical Association ($190,000), the Health Management Association ($120,000), HealthSouth Corp ($440,000), the National Association for Home Care ($210,000) and Roche Group ($120,000), a company that is “systematically pursuing personalized medicine.”file pos

yes, there’s more…

Don’t like Single Payer? Demand what Tax Payers offer and give to each Member of Congress and their families. Unless, you think some people are more equal than others?

Tom Daschle Still Receives These Benefits
Don’t Forget the Pension

OBAMA’S A Bad Boyfriend
Not Your Boyfriend!

Obama’s Doctor Knocks ObamaCare
Dr. David Scheiner: “He doesn’t see all the pain, it’s so tragic out here,” he says. “Obama’s wonderful, but on this one I’m not sure if he’s getting the right input.”

What should the president be focused on? Scheiner thinks that a good health reform would be “Medicare for all,” a single-payer system where the government would cover everyone and pay for it by cutting out waste in the system. “A neurosurgeon gets paid $20,000 for cutting into the neck of my patient. Have him get paid $1 million a year instead of $2 million or $3 million. He won’t starve,” Scheiner says.


More Traitorous Democrats – Over the past few days, we reported on how the White House and Democratic Congressional Leadership waged a dirty campaign to scare up votes to support another $106 billion in funds for their wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now, several of the so-called anti-war Democrats who left their principles at the House coat check on their way in to vote Tuesday are trying to explain away their hypocritical votes.

New York Democrat Anthony Weiner, who voted against the war funding in May—when it didn’t matter—only to vote Tuesday with the pro-war Dems, sounded like an imbecile when he made this statement after the vote: “We are in the process of wrapping up the wars. The president needed our support.” What planet is Weiner living on? “Wrapping up the wars?” Last time I checked, there are 21,000 more US troops heading to Afghanistan alongside a surge in contractors there, including a 29% increase in armed contractors. Does Weiner think the $106 billion in war funding he voted for is going to pay for one way tickets home for the troops? What he voted for was certainly not the “Demolition of the 80 Football-field-size US Embassy in Baghdad Act of 2009.” To cap off this idiocy, Weiner basically admitted he is a fraud when he said the bill he voted in favor of “still sucks.”


one brave lone little Democrat



product placement


txting ripoff


Oh, Canada


Power Tripping






oh, the irAny

On Obama’s Soul


note Last Poets


QOTD: “Somebody told me once that the grail is right in front of you when your back is turned.” ~Ken Nordine

thanks evie for the weekend dress-up

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Obama’s A Bad Boyfriend

Senator Barack Obama speaks during the Los Angeles Generation ObIn my new series, Obama’s a Bad Boyfriend, I’m giving voice to those who spot the broken promises of President Obama.

Quite honestly, I’ve got to ask, when will people stop trusting politicians?

Don’t you know it’s not just your vote that counts, but getting involved that makes the difference? Just ask any Corporate Wall Street Lobbyist.

It’s all up to you.  In the Words of Eugene Debs, “The American People can have anything they want, trouble is, they don’t seem to want much of anything.”

Get Active! Do Something!

It’s up to you.



Obama on single payer health insurance
Grand Illusion‏
In 2003, Barack Obama said he was for single payer.

What would it take to get single payer enacted?

“First, we have to take back the White House, the Senate and the House,” Obama said at the time.

Fast forward six years.
The Democrats have taken the White House.
The Senate and the House.
And now what’s Obama’s position?

In a speech this week in Chicago before the American Medical Association, Obama made clear he was now opposed to single payer.

And his lieutenants suggested that Obama would support legislation to make sure that single payer does not become a reality in America.

There’s only one explanation for Obama’s flip-flop on single payer.

The health insurance and drug corporations have a hammerlock on Washington.

And Obama is going along to get along.

What’s the net result?
Sixty Americans are dying every day due to lack of health insurance. (Institute of Medicine report.)

Instead of getting behind single payer, Obama and the Democrats are engaged in the what Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief at the highly regarded New England Journal of Medicine calls “the futility of piecemeal tinkering.”

Earlier this week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that the most liberal of the Democrats’ tinkering plans would cost $1 trillion over ten years and still leave 37 million Americans uninsured.

Single payer on the other hand would cost less than we are overpaying now — and cover everyone.

Zero uninsured.

As Dr. Angell puts it — single payer is not only the best option. It’s the only option that will both control costs and cover everyone. Replace 1,300 insurance industry payers with one payer. Save $400 billion a year in bloated corporate administrative and executive compensation costs.

Free choice of doctor and hospital.
Use that money to insure everyone.
No bills, no co-pays, no deductibles.
No exclusions for pre-existing conditions — because under single payer, you are insured from the day you are born.
No bankruptcies due to medical bills.
No deaths due to lack of health insurance.
Cheaper. Simpler. More affordable.
Everybody in. Nobody out.

According to recent polls, the majority of Americans, the majority of doctors, the majority of nurses, even the majority of health economists want single payer.

That’s why almost every health care town hall event I hear about is dominated by citizens speaking out for single payer.

Last month, we asked that you help fund a new non-profit organization – Single Payer Action – to focus this citizen energy, break through the corporate logjam in Washington and make single payer a reality. You came through with flying colors — and blew past our initial fund raising goal. The foundation was set for action.

Out of the blocks, Single Payer Action led a stand up protest before Senator Max Baucus’ Senate Finance Committee. Thirteen doctors, nurses, lawyers and other single payer advocates were summarily arrested and charged with “disruption of Congress.” (Baucus later told single payer advocates that he regretted not inviting them to testify before his committee.) The arrests of the Baucus 13, their upcoming trial, and other similar single payer actions around the country have galvanized a nationwide movement.

Single Payer Action now wants to supercharge the grassroots movement for single payer.

Confront members of Congress back home all around the country. And lay the groundwork for a national citizen’s organization that will refuse to compromise with corporate power — inside the beltway and out.

Many progressives are now confused. They took Obama at his word. They thought once Obama was elected President, he would do the right thing. My colleague, Theresa Amato, is not confused. She saw clearly through the Democratic Party’s duplicity and shenanigans — and has written a new book, titled Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two Party Tyranny (New Press, June 2009). The book documents how the corporate two-party system thwarts citizen activism and blocks challenging candidates in the electoral system and beyond. Phil Donahue said this about Grand Illusion: “Theresa Amato takes the biggest swing — not a jab, but a roundhouse punch — at America’s corrupt electoral system.”

Let’s break through the corporate barriers and make single payer a reality.

Together, we can make the difference.

Onward to a life-saving, cost-saving single payer.
~Ralph Nader

Single Payer Action, donate now

Democrats Hate Health Care

The Citizens Alliance for National Health Insurance

Former Democratic Senator Tom Daschle who was offered to head the Department of Health and Human Services and declined because he failure to pay his taxes is telling President Obama To Dump Health Care.

Insurance Lobby

Physicians for National Health Care


Call Congress


Canadian Health Care: Fact vs. Fiction



Do you have a well written articles on other promises President Obama has broken? The War, Affordable Housing, Education, Wire Taps, Torture, Gitmo, Gay Rights, Privacy,  etc… Send me the URL and I’ll feature it here, give full credit, highlight your organization and spread it around town. So help light a match under Obama’s feet, he can’t see them through all the money.

Together we can make a difference..


Filed under business, congress, food, Health, history, international, justice, music, nader, News, obama, politics, science and technology, social epistemology, SPREAD IT!

17 June 2009 – Brief

soldiewarShame: The ‘Anti-War’ Democrats Who Sold Out
In a vote that should go down in recent histories as a day of shame for the Democrats, on Tuesday the House voted to approve another $106 billion dollars for the bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and increasingly Pakistan). To put a fine point on the interconnection of the iron fist of U.S. militarism and the hidden hand of free market neoliberal economics, the bill included a massive initiative to give the International Monetary Fund billions more in U.S. taxpayer funds.

What once Democrats could argue was “Bush’s war,” they now officially own. In fact, only five Republicans voted for the supplemental (though overwhelmingly not on the issue of the war funding). Ron Paul, who made clear he was voting against the war, was a notable exception.

This vote has revealed a sobering statistic for the anti-war movement in this country and brought to the surface a broader issue that should give die-hard partisan Democrats who purport to be anti-war reason for serious pause about the actual state of their party. Only 30 Democrats voted against the war funding when it mattered. And these 30 did so in the face of significant threats to their political future from the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That means that only 30 out of 256 Democrats are willing to stand up to the war and the current president presiding over it. Their names are listed below; I would encourage people to call them and thank them for standing up and voting no when it counted.
more – Jeremy Scahill

2 new toons
HOH b2b2

by phuldek

noteMolly on the shore

Barney Frank Wants My Help
After what he did and said? I asked Rep Frank to hop on House Bill HR 1207? I said, why wait when his own words were put so eloquently; ‘in 1932 Herbert Hoover signed a bill,’ ” which gives the Federal Reserve vast powers to lend money to any entity in America which it deems sufficiently collateralized whenever the Federal Reserve thinks there are exigent circumstances. I do believe that the Federal Reserve is exercising that power with some good effects recently, but it is not a power that should exist in a democratic society in the hands of an entirely unelected entity and I will be working next year to put some restraints on this power as well.”

If “it is not a power that should exist in a democratic society in the hands of an entirely unelected entity” why not stop it now? It either is or it isn’t Representative Frank, and though you say it has done some good recently you know it is the underlining cause of our economic mess.

Mr Frank please be consistent, sign on the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (HR1207) Audit the FED now.

Oh, and Mr Frank, you pledged not to fund the war when Bush was in power yet, yesterday you did. And you want my help on this issue? still? really? Bill Maher is right we need a Progressive Party in the US for a CHANGE.

Yes, you. shut up!


I said shut up!



some perspective

quick look!

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