Tag Archives: Saudis

Concerning James O’Keefe and US Foreign Policy

In response to Constitutional Lawyer Jonathan Turley‘s resent blog post:

okeefeConservative Filmmaker James O’Keefe Suspended By Twitter.

“… Twitter has become a lightening rod for the free speech community — repeatedly accused of content-based censorship and a liberal bias. Twitter was recently accused of a departure from the policy of unfettered free speech in the filtering of negative comments against President Barack Obama. Then Twitter banned Milo Yiannopoulos in a very disturbing move against a conservative speaker. Now, Twitter is back in the news targeting another conservative. After releasing two viral videos, Project Veritas Founder and President James O’Keefe was barred from access to his Twitter account for 12 hours (with review for a permanent ban). Twitter again appears to have little explanation for suspending another conservative other than the content of his speech.”

Perhaps we don’t have to go much further than the following:


Saudi Prince owns more of Twitter than Twitter’s CEO

Saudis bankroll 20% of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign – expects pay to play

Saudi Prince Bankrolls al qaeda

Pro Saudi Women’s Group Suspended On Twitter

Twitter Fight: Trump vs Saudi Prince



Then there is the Saudi and US heartless and devastating bombing of Yemen; armed by the US and Israel. The funding of the rebels in Syria; armed by US and Israeli. The funding of al qaeda in Libya; armed by the US and Israel. The funding of Mossad/ISIS, and the funding/arming of Israeli and Saudi aggression against the Palestinians.

Bush43 should have been arrested for a lot of things, from illegal wars to war crimes, however, this has to be one of the most egregious

Further, the Saudi influence over Obama via his veto of the 911 bill that would have allowed the families of 911 to sue the Saudis  — (Congress Override), and finally, the $38 Billion to Israel, guaranteeing 10 more years of war for Americans.

If only a number of these topics were questions in the presidential campaign and debate.

The US needs to pull out of the Middle East and leave the bulk of that hot mess to China, EU and Russia. Americans need to stop being the world’s police for debt, and start minding its own business.

The only thing the Saudis have is oil and fiat, both which the US can find elsewhere, and both, through technology, the US can do without their supply. Lastly, the US needs to divorce being the sole patron of Israel. US engagement in the Middle East has bought the American People nothing, but heartache, slavery and death.

If Hillary is elected; by hook or by crook, the only way out of the Saudi’s and the Israeli’s aggressive influences will be secession. If Trump is elected the Union will more or less remain, however, we will see a different president elected every 4 years for decades to come.


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Filed under business, debt, education, hillary, history, just wrong, justice, media, News, obama, secession, vigilance, war

US Senate’s Foreign Investors Bails Out

Say bon voyage as you kiss that $700Billion away to Foreign Investors.

CNBC complete interview Brad Sherman

According to the Senate you are now a second class citizens to foreign investors.

Who gains?
The Hard Line Terrorist Supporting Saudi State.
Human Rights Violating Communist China.
The Monarch in the UK.
A Smattering of Other Elite Europeans.

It’s a giveaway, this doesn’t even pay down our debt or help Americans who are suffering during this crisis in this nation. This covers only foreign investors loses, their mistakes.

Have you had enough yet?
Do you know what side your Senator is on?
Have a look at their investment portfolios and find out who these YES men really work for.
It’s not you.

How it works

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US Congressional Committee Asks Big Oil to Testify Over Tax Breaks

A US congressional committee has called upon the heads of the world’s five largest publicly traded oil and gas firms to testify at a hearing in April 2008, on why they still require federal tax breaks while they make windfall profits on the back of record oil prices, reports Reuters.

According to Reuters, the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming has called upon Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips and the US units of BP and Royal Dutch Shell to testify at the hearing.

A House-passed bill in the US Senate seeks to revoke $18 billion in tax breaks for the oil majors for the development of renewable energy sources. It has to be voted in the Senate and is opposed by the White House and the American Petroleum Institute, reported Reuters.

Edward Markey, the Massachusetts Democratic representative who chairs the House committee, as quoted by Reuters, said: “The top five oil companies made record profits last year, and yet are continuing to hold on to tax breaks that could be used to advance the clean fuels of the future. Americans are not going to find the answers at the bottom of a gas tank, so we will seek to bring the CEOs of these companies to Congress and to the American people.”

Who gets rich off $3 gas – who doesn’t?

For all you worried about the terrorist, may I remind you that on 11 September 19 were Saudis and funded by Saudi Royal Family Members, a country that also funds 90% of the terror in Iraq.

This is old news, but worth repeating.
Saudis Buy GE plastics for $11.6B

the girl was to get you to read that. did it work?

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Saudis ‘threatened Blair with terror’

SAUDI Arabia’s rulers threatened to make it easier for terrorists to attack London unless corruption investigations into their arms deals were halted, according to court documents.Previously secret files, just revealed, describe how investigators were told they faced “another 7/7” and the loss of “British lives on British streets” if they pressed on with their inquiries. Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court on Thursday to be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide bombers and terrorists.

He faces accusations that he took more than £1 billion in secret payments from the arms company BAE.

He was accused in the High Court hearings of flying to London in December 2006 and making threats that made the prime minister, Tony Blair, stop the Serious Fraud Office looking into bribery allegations involving Prince Bandar and his family. The threats halted the fraud inquiry, but triggered allegations that Britain had broken international anti-bribery treaties.

Lord Justice Moses, hearing the civil case with Justice Sullivan, said the Government appeared to have “rolled over” after the threats.

The fraud investigation began in 2004, when Robert Wardle, the office’s director, studied evidence unearthed by The Guardian. This revealed massive secret payments from BAE to Saudi princes to promote arms deals.

Anti-corruption campaigners began a legal action on Thursday to overturn the decision to halt the case. They want the original investigation restarted, arguing that the Government caved into blackmail.

The judge said he was surprised the Government had not tried to persuade the Saudis to withdraw their threats. Had that happened in British jurisdiction, he said, the UK would have been guilty of a criminal offence.

Mr Wardle told the court in a witness statement: “The idea of discontinuing the investigation went against my every instinct as a prosecutor. I wanted to see where the evidence led.”

A paper trail set out in court showed that days after Prince Bandar flew to London to lobby the Government, Mr Blair had written to the attorney-general, Lord Goldsmith, and the fraud office was called off.

The case officer on the inquiry, Matthew Cowie, was described by the judge as “a complete hero” for standing up to pressure from BAE’s lawyers, who went behind his back, and tried to secretly lobby the attorney-general.

Raw Story

The Guardian

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