Tag Archives: Clinton

US Senate’s Foreign Investors Bails Out

Say bon voyage as you kiss that $700Billion away to Foreign Investors.

CNBC complete interview Brad Sherman

According to the Senate you are now a second class citizens to foreign investors.

Who gains?
The Hard Line Terrorist Supporting Saudi State.
Human Rights Violating Communist China.
The Monarch in the UK.
A Smattering of Other Elite Europeans.

It’s a giveaway, this doesn’t even pay down our debt or help Americans who are suffering during this crisis in this nation. This covers only foreign investors loses, their mistakes.

Have you had enough yet?
Do you know what side your Senator is on?
Have a look at their investment portfolios and find out who these YES men really work for.
It’s not you.

How it works

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Palin – Clinton

see how long this one lasts

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Sen. Obama – The Answers

Here are the answers you need to know in order to win

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President Biden & Barack Amara


O’Biden bin cha cha changes

O roll


Filed under business, congress, hillary, history, international, mccain, media, nader, News, politics

Democrat & Republican THUGS!

Why Do You Keep Voting For This Duopoly?

“Though the commission [on Presidential Debates] is meant to sound like a official government arm, it is actually a private entity, funded entirely by corporate contributions from companies like AT&T, IBM, Philip Morris, and others.”

To this day, even after shutting out Ralph Nader, the COMMISSION ON PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES is still rigged by former Republicans and former Democrats

pssssst… YOU Have the Power

Get Involved

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