Tag Archives: journalist

Demand DNC Allow FBI to Examine Hacked Servers

So you thought this was all taken care of months ago? Guess again, nope. The DNC STILL hasn’t turned the “Hacked Servers” over to the FBI. This is a criminal case regarding voting in the USA during the 2016 Presidential Election. The claim by the DNC and Hillary Clinton is that Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government hacked into the US elections in order to  change the outcome. Specifically, the DNC is saying the Russian Government hacked into the computers of the DNC and made you, the voter, vote for Trump. As ridiculous as that might sound this is their claim, kinda, sorta, at least this is the claim they want you to think. Yet, they have not turned over one computer or server requested by the FBI while they continue to make you think this claim.

So, is there any there there? What I have posted below is a time line of the events, perspectives from both the left and right and a link to a petition demanding Fthe DNC turn those servers over to the FBI, along with a few side notes that are relevant, for what reason, that isn’t clear just yet, but worth noting.

Journalist H. A. Goodman over at Counter Propa started this petition demanding that the DNC hand these computers and servers  over to the FBI.

Demand DNC Allow FBI to Examine Allegedly Hacked Servers, Now!

For up-to-date-updates go here – HAG AND here -GW



05/20/17 – In Steps KDC and blows the lid off the whole enchilada

 PETITION: Appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the murder of Seth Rich, the alleged Wikileaks email leaker


it’s a matter of trust

Seth Rich sent 44,000 DNC emails to WikiLeaks before he was murdered


‘No facts, no evidence’ supporting claim slain DNC staffer tied to WikiLeaks, family says

Appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the murder of Seth Rich, the alleged Wikileaks email leaker
Family’s private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death


*further still… Brad Bauman is a high end DNC consultant, he is speaking on behalf of Seth’s parents in this matter; who btw are broke, now, who is paying Mr Bauman’s fees? This guy’s not cheap, on the high end of a low level consultant you’re going to pay $300 per hour. Now, if you are working for a political party this man can command at least a thousand dollars per hour. Who is paying him, and through what means, and why?



Guccifer 2.0 Messages .

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Was Guccifer 2.0’s LEAKER


What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

Clinton IT aide pleads Fifth, skips hearing

Hillary Clinton staffer rejects ‘proffer,’ wants immunity for testimony on email server

down the rabbit hole

taking the 5th

H.A. Goodman Viral Petition for FBI to Examine DNC Servers


FBI: DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers

H.A. Goodman
DNC Refuses to Let FBI Analyze Hacked Servers. Denies Multiple FBI Requests
DNC Refuses to Let FBI Analyze Hacked Servers. Denies Multiple FBI Requests

“It’s The Lie That Get’s Ya” -Richard Nixon

The Hill
Comey: DNC denied FBI’s requests for access to hacked servers

Congressional Testimony – Clip
James Comey Director of FBI admitted DNC denied access to the so called Hacked Server

Jimmy Dore Show (Excellent btw)



HOLD ON! WHY is Brietbart holding back on what is clearly the most important story this year? Are they hiding something for Trump or are they waiting for a particular news cycle? What is really going on here?

Of course you can’t even get the attention of the democrats on this issue, (fyi, ignore really works, here’s proof!), the lie is so blatant it makes you wonder what’s left of the lil d democrats, are they stupid, zombies or just brainwashed? I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s appalling how low the Democratic Party and the people who support it have fallen – it’s nothing like it ever was, from FDR on up. It reminds me of a pretty good product that’s been bought by a very large corporation and shelved to stifle any competition. In this case the DNC was ‘pretty good brand’ and the Wall St Banks now own it.

The current battle in the GOP is between the Tea Party Libertarians and the Neocons. This is a far more delicate situation because the GOP, currently has most of the power. This is a bit similar to what Obama was up against when he first took office – a split DNC majority in Congress. It seems the Trump GOP is facing something similar to the Obama DNC. Regardless, like Obama Trump understands the power of the Bankers and it looks like he’s going to succumb.Notice, this hasn’t changed since Reagan, you can look it up wiki.

Exposing the farcical claims about Russian hacking of the election

Before dismantling what is currently happening regarding any investigation (what investigation?) there are two points that need to be made BEFORE we can move forward.
1. The released DNC and the Clinton e-mails by wikileaks (1 & 2 ) proved they conspired together to cheat Sen. Bernie Sanders, his election team and supporters out of the presidency.
2. Question: What country in the world has the most influence on US elections? Hint: it ain’t Russia.

sign the petition, spread the word and watch for updates.





Digital Security Provider, CrowdStrike, Raises $100 Million

WAPO – $600K and the CIA (the nation removed this form their site had to use the wayback machine)

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking

Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too

Somebody’s lying – Big Time!

5 congressional staffers in criminal probe over unauthorized computer access
this just get’s better, don’t it?

Family of murdered DNC staffer raising money to investigate unsolved crime

Devin Nunes Confirms WIRETAP

WikiLeaks Reveals “Marble”: Proof CIA Disguises Their Hacks As Russian, Chinese, Arabic…

A Cyber-Gulf of Tonkin




Seth 😦
on reddit

People/Channels To Follow
H.A. Goodman
George Webb very questionable source
Jared Beck

Sean Lucus – RIP


History General:
CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

When presidents lie to make a war


Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Fake News and War Party Lies

The lie that started the First World War

War Is A Racket


self-prophetic wapo



*notes: People don’t realize just how big this story is – not only does it kill the Trump and muh Russian hack narrative – it brings up and questions Podesta’s revenge on any leakers – asks why the DNC didn’t hand the HDs and Servers over to the FBI – why Comey didn’t care and demand the servers and HDs be handed over as evidence. It expands the murder investigation asking why the DC cops were told to stand down, and by whom? It begs to see not only what were on the DNC servers and HDs the day Seth handed the data over to wikileaks it demands now what was on the DNC servers and HDs between what he sent wikileaks and what transpired on those servers and e-mails after his death. AND it wonders how much of this shit is on Weiner’s Computer AND -AND- if the servers and HDs were destroyed by Crowd Strike – a security firm who’s CEO donated to the Clinton Foundation. more to come….

ev – 1



Filed under bad democrats, computers, congress, education, hillary, history, just wrong, justice, politics, SPREAD IT!

Journalists Under Pressure From CIA et al

German journalist and editor Dr. Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, adding that noncompliance ran the risk of being fired.  Interview date: 10/18/14

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