Tag Archives: Hostile Takeover of Vaping

bro! the future



REP Duncan (Vaper-Bro) Hunter Comes out for Trump “We don’t need a policy wonk as president. We need a leader as president,” California Rep. Duncan Hunter said of Donald Trump

holding an Aspire Nautilus Tank

Since he is Trump’s first Congressmen this is bound to bring more attention to vaping.
the FDA is nuts!
FDA is Smoking Crack
If the FDA is worried about your kid and nicotine, why doesn’t the FDA ban Monsanto, their seeds and products are FULL of nicotine
FDA protects criminals
Senator’s letter to the FDA
Wisconsin Senator Johnson Requests FDA to Answer for E-Cig Regulations

The Hostile Takeover of Vaping
This whole FDA things is how big tobacco and perhaps even big pharma take over the vaping industry. They couldn’t win in the free market so why not use a government agency full of their cronies to get the job done?

How many know that Burt’s Bees is owned by Clorox now?

That Annies Homegrown foods is owned by General Mills?

Did you know the guy in charge of the FDA, Michael Taylor, previous job was a VP at Monsanto?

And that’s just a small example of foods, we know that this method of taking over a business is the norm in the tech industry.

Think about it – what’s $100 Million in regulations to big tobacco for a $6 Billion business now that’s projected to hit $15B by 2020?

This isn’t about the health of an industry or the people who use the products – this is a hostile takeover of vaping!

Big Tobacco vs. Little Vape


FDS Regulations
HR 2058
Cole-Bishop Amendment
NOTE: Vaping Causes Cotton Mouth


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