Tag Archives: Doctors

President Trump Passes Universal Health Care, Usurps Democrats!

President Trump Passes Universal Health Care, Usurps Democrats and Destroys Neocon Never Trumpsters.


How Will He Do It?
Well, he could just pass U-Care with a 15% VAT, control medical prices and procedures, and cap profits.*


He could roll this out and call it a bi-partisan deal.

On Medicaid: Raise limit to $23k, full coverage with profit caps that are fair, these will be tax deductible for hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors and nurses. Add small co-pays from $24k up to $28k.

From $29k open up the free market across state lines.

On Medicare: For a recipient with no other insurance, lower the age to 55 based on income; same formula as above on income levels until age 65 and making under $250k. Yes, if you earn more than $250k a year in retirement you had and are still having a very nice, safe and free life in this country, you can give a little back in co-pays.


If President Trump can get close to this he’ll win the 2020 election in a landslide and perhaps be even more loved than Reagan, Kennedy and FDR.


Note: This plan for US Universal Health Care Would Be For American Citizens Only. You will need notarized documents as proof in order to be eligible. Also, States along with a Federal Government Oversight Board can negotiate prices and procedural costs with hospitals and doctors, using a simple one page form.


Further: For non US citizens cash up front or a payment plan can be arranged, this may include Administrative fees.

If payment is not made within 90 days the country of origin will be billed the full price of the medical care with fees. If destitute, private charities can step in or pro-bono work can be provided from a medical institution or college.

For those who are US Citizens, but have lost all records, a grant to replace official documents will be provided if proven indigent.

In the rare case that someone who was born in the US without any documentation, and is under the age of 65, those persons will have to go before a board of governors, provide proof of past employment, care or marriage, along with testimony and witnesses, otherwise they will need to buy private insurance or seek help from a charity clinic. Unfortunately, something like this could take a great deal of time in the very beginning. Anyone caught lying or falsifying documents will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and denied U-Care.  Any falsification by foreigners will mean confiscation of all property and possessions and instant deportation. Any falsification of income made by US citizens will mean a 5 year denial of U-Care, including Medicare. You will have to rely on Private Insurance or Charity Clinics for those 5 years.

It’s a start, eh?


Eventually those who do come to the US on a Green Card will be covered providing the systems can afford any additional stress.

Further: If Trump’s proposal for a solar wall generates a surplus of energy those funds should be diverted to provide solar energy conversion for the rest of the nation. Once that has been accomplished and the excess energy is sold outside of the US that wealth can then be transferred to the health care system in order to fund more medical R&D, which can then be shared with the world for a small fee.

Another source to look at is US foreign AID, 2/3 of this money goes to Israel alone. The US needs to end all Foreign Aid outside emergency medical and food. It should also be required that American Companies in foreign lands pay at least a 10% profit fee to operate in those nations. These funds can be placed in escrow for any emergency need that arises. As a nation our reputation is important and US companies who have benefited greatly by developing in the US should work to maintain that good reputation.


If you have any questions,  better ideas or plans put your thoughts in the comments and I’ll add them to the list. In the mean time I will continue to add thoughts and ideas to this proposal so that all Americans have access to health care, clean energy, clean food and water, safe neighborhoods and clean housing.

If you find my ideas interesting please look at the model community I have also proposed, also feel free to support me on Patreon, be the first 😉

*FYI: Most medical innovations, R&D and the like are done on the tax payer dollar through universities, more and more innovations are now coming from foreign schools and their government funded programs, we need to be champions again in this field.



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Doctors say placebo use common

Placebos are a surprisingly common prescription, according to a U.S. study in which nearly half of the doctors surveyed said they had doled out a dummy pill at some point.

Researchers at the University of Chicago said on Thursday the study raises ethical questions and suggests a need for greater recognition and understanding of placebo use.

“It illustrates that doctors believe expectation and belief have therapeutic potential,” said Rachel Sherman, a medical student at the University of Chicago, whose study was published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

The idea behind placebos is that when patients think they are getting an effective treatment, they sometimes feel better, even though the pill has no proven benefit.

They are often used in clinical trials to compare the benefits of drugs, and many times patients taking placebos show some improvement. But few studies have shown how doctors use placebos in routine practice.

Sherman and Dr. John Hickner, a family medicine professor at the University of Chicago, sent surveys to 466 internists at three Chicago-area academic medical centers. About half, or 231, responded.

Of those, 45 percent said they had used a placebo during their clinical practice, a number that surprised the researchers. But 12 percent of those surveyed said placebos should never be used.

“I think this shows that it strikes a chord among physicians. We may underestimate the body’s natural healing potential,” Sherman said in a telephone interview. “This shows that doctors may think that, too.”

But Sherman said the practice brings up ethical issues, including whether a doctor has an obligation to provide patients with informed consent.

Of respondents who reported using a placebo in clinical practice, 34 percent said they told the patients the substance was something that “may help and will not hurt.”

About a third gave other information to patients including, “this may help you but I am not sure how it works.”

Nineteen percent said it was a “medication,” and 9 percent called it “a medicine with no specific effect.” Only 4 percent of the doctors said, “it is a placebo.”

Part of the reason doctors are not forthcoming about giving a placebo is that in order for it to work, patients need to believe it can help, Sherman said.

One way around this dilemma is to ask all new patients for their consent in advance. “The patient could say no. Then you avoid any of these ethical questions,” Sherman said.


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