A good idea

National Initiative for Democracy


Gravel answers the questions


Filed under justice, politics

2 responses to “A good idea

  1. True democracy–that is, power in the hands of the people all the time–would be impractical. There would be so many differing opinions on what laws should be passed and what the country should do that nothing would ever happen.

    Besides, America isn’t a true democracy and never has been. It’s more of a democratic republic. The people choose the representatives, who then make the laws. We never had all the power.

  2. The US is a republic, excuse me, WAS a republic, seem to be more of a plutocracy now.

    This initiative has potential, much like a referendum.

    Since no one is keeping Congress or the President within the boundaries of the Rule of Law then something new must emerge.

    This is a good start idea.

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