Australian apology may boost Aboriginal health

The Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd formally apologised on Wednesday for policies that led to the “Stolen Generation” – indigenous children, often of mixed descent, who, up until 1970, were removed from their families as part of a process of enforced assimilation.

The apology was telecast around the nation, including on giant TV screens in many of the state capitals.

Some argue that the historic statement, and the recognition it gives to the suffering of Aboriginal people, is a vital step in dealing with mental health issues that plague some Aboriginal communities, and are linked to high levels of alcohol and substance abuse and violence.

The life expectancy of indigenous Australians is 17 years lower than the 80 years of non-indigenous Australians.

Experts are divided on the potential impact of the apology on the health of the indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
Life Expectancy
The Apology
Indigenous Law Resources

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