Blair’s road to Rome

OUT OF office and out of danger of igniting a constitutional crisis, former prime minister Tony Blair, after years of worship as a closet Roman Catholic, has announced his formal conversion to the faith.

During mass at the Archbishop’s House in Westminster on Friday, Blair was received into the Church and given full communion. Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor, who led the service, said the new convert had been a regular at mass with his family and in recent months had been following a programme to prepare him for the “reception into full communion”. He added: “My prayers are with him, his wife and family at this joyful moment in their journey of faith together.”

Born and brought up an Anglican, Blair’s journey to Catholicism has been extraordinary. Those close to him believe that even as far back as his student days at Oxford, when he first met his Catholic wife, Cherie, the decision to convert was put off to avoid political prejudices Blair came to believe could affect his career.

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