Kevin Nalty


Better Than T. V. 

You’d be hard pressed to find any sitcom better on the tube, and I mean the one presently collecting dust in the wreck room, than the Nalty (Nalts) family on youtube. This mad cap happy-go-lucky family are the best thing running on the net right now. These folks have manage to build the golden virtual bridge between T.V. “old media” and the Internet.

Kevin Nalty of Cube Break and a marketing aficionado has taken his passing talented hobby of making short films (259 presently) and tuned himself into a Virtual Viral Video Genius. Just ask him and the man who awarded him that crowned title the ever conscientious marquisdejolie, a.k.a. James Jarvis.

Over the past year Nalts has somehow managed to drag his whole family in on the act; his wife the lovely and infamous wifeofnalts and their four kids. What makes the Natly’s so much fun is that the whole brood are having loads of it. These pleasant average America folks make you want to be part of their antics; which they have successfully done with a more resent viral offering titled, “Bore Me”. But, as Nalts gallops through life coming up with the next brilliant idea he doesn’t stop with the immediate family, he pulls the neighbors, distant family members, other youtubers, and the unsuspecting public in on the act.

If you’re looking for some light hearted, thoughtful chuckles to brighten your day, or you lean towards a grand-yellow-school-bus-gootube-conspiracy, Natls at YouTube or Revver is where you’ll find the future of fun and entertainment on the Internet.

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3 responses to “Kevin Nalty

  1. Wow- thanks for the very, very kind review!

  2. You’re very very welcome. I wanted to make it longer, but sometimes brevity is best. Feel free to pass it around if it helps you make more fun 🙂

  3. Marilyn Case

    Nalts is my favorite YouTuber!!! He really is a viral video genius!

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