Tag Archives: journal

My Good Deeds Daily/Diary/Journal

No good deed goes unpunished – I’d like to test that theory.

I’m starting a good deed Daily/Dairy/Journal for the month of August. Diary sounds so girlie.

It all stared with this post and then the update. Update: I took a little time today; cleaned the closet, pantry and did the dishes for a neighbor. Now I’m off to take what I found in my cleaning over to the shelter. I’m going to try and incorporate at least one good and intentional act every day for the month of August, I want to see if I can develop a brand new habit of real life community building. Will report on these results as they occur.

Now I’m going to keep track everyday of  good intentional deeds I do in my community. I have a nifty camera so I’ll supply pictures when possible, and perhaps jot down unique and special recollections.

If you have any ideas offer them up, but keep them simple and doable.

I’m not looking for a pat on the back, I’m trying to get into the habit or may be even start a trend, a co-op or just inspire the good deed doer in everyone. Let’s call it practice for now. I may even try a few anonymous ones.

Want to meet my challenge?
Leave a link to your daily/diary/journal on the comment page here and I’ll give you one of these

Good Luck!


Filed under blog, business, computers, food, general, Health, history, humor, justice, strange, take back your country, updates